Today, after so much hard work, I hatched an Orthrus pet and an Ice Colossus pet (both adults) in the hatchery anticipating the egg to say "Gives one Ice Hound card at Epic." I knew I had to get my pet to epic to get the card but what I am seeing is "Gives one Colossus card at Baby." If I was getting an Ice hound, it would have said already. What in the world just happened? It seems I never get the expected outcome from any pet.
Today, after so much hard work, I hatched an Orthrus pet and an Ice Colossus pet (both adults) in the hatchery anticipating the egg to say "Gives one Ice Hound card at Epic." I knew I had to get my pet to epic to get the card but what I am seeing is "Gives one Colossus card at Baby." If I was getting an Ice hound, it would have said already. What in the world just happened? It seems I never get the expected outcome from any pet.
ya didnt get it because that is a hybrid so if ya dont see it says gives ice hound at epic you just got your pet back try again and your luck might be better