How many wizards have pets and cant remember where we got them or who we hatched with?..I think it would help us hatch the pets we wanted with the talents we want if we could access our pets genetic history. A method of gene testing would enable us to look at our pets parents and the talents they possessed. I would suggest either a snack to feed your pet, a sigil in the hatchery, a card from the pet shop,a hoard pack from the crown shop that would allow you to veiw your pets genetic history and give a new tab on your pets page to make this history available to other wizards you may want to hatch with. Suggestions.. 1. Pets parents. 2.Talents that have been passed on from the parents. 3.The pets origin( dropped, purchased, hatched, hybrid, the name of the wizard who owned the pet) 4.Pet details,.. ie favourite snacks etc.
Sorry this may sound rude (not intended) You seriously hatch so much that you can't remember who you hatched with! O_O
I hatch for hybrids mostly
Some people hatch for hybrids or with others to get new pets for their collections.
Others, like myself, hatch to try and create pets with better talents for battles. I have done many trying for a pet with great talents and I have had the same problem of forgetting which pets where hatched with which, I now keep a notebook with this information.
How many wizards have pets and cant remember where we got them or who we hatched with?..I think it would help us hatch the pets we wanted with the talents we want if we could access our pets genetic history. A method of gene testing would enable us to look at our pets parents and the talents they possessed. I would suggest either a snack to feed your pet, a sigil in the hatchery, a card from the pet shop,a hoard pack from the crown shop that would allow you to veiw your pets genetic history and give a new tab on your pets page to make this history available to other wizards you may want to hatch with. Suggestions.. 1. Pets parents. 2.Talents that have been passed on from the parents. 3.The pets origin( dropped, purchased, hatched, hybrid, the name of the wizard who owned the pet) 4.Pet details,.. ie favourite snacks etc.
simple keep track in a notebook with all that data
Yeah, this has some merit. I this a pets lineage should be able to be seen by both partners when breeding and even when just checking out someone else's pet. I crossed my Judgement with a Crop Watcher and got an Astral Judge. Astral Judge is supposed to be a cross between Judgement and Forest lord, but since Crop Watcher is a cross between Scarecrow and Forest Lord, it used the grandparent Forest Lord for my hybrid. I didn't know it would do that, but now that I do know it would be nice to see the lineage of a pet to know what hybrids I may be able to get based on a grandparent as well as the actual pet. I am not a hatchery addict enough to know what all hybrids come from. Being able to see it on a point and click basis would really be nice. And it is easier than trying to get an answer to the question "Where did you get your pet?" from someone since about 50% of the people in the pet pavillion seem to be AFK.