Today marks my third attempt at realm hopping to try and find at least one person waiting to do Nastrond. My friends are either not interested or not at the level of Nastrond. Is anybody out there willing to help me with Nastrond?
Here is when I can:
When: Thursday, September 8 from 4pm - 7pm Friday, September 9 from 4pm - 7pm Saturday, September 10 from 3pm - 8pm
Last night i discovered that a friend on my list had a 12 hour time difference from me. Posting your time zone may be to your benefit when setting up meeting times. -eli and crew
Well I have that quest, bit since I am level 60 and can gain no more xp i just left it ( and many other) for later use, is so that a next level presents it self, but yeah I can lend you a hand. I normally be at waterworks or tower of helephant every day. Name: Anthony CrowValult School: Ice Mount: Black panter
:-D I am just doing nastrond and believe me its hard but i do need some help at it so if you see me make sure you say hey to me so i can recognize ya lol
Name: Jasmine RoseGem School: Fire Mounts:Gold wyvern, Seraph wings, Nightflame pegasus, Fairy wings, or Bengal tiger
I am trying to find people to join as well. I am usually on during in the morning (EST) in Wraith realm. If you happen to see me, give me a shout and we can try and finish Wintertusk. Thanks!
Molly, Legendary Life and Muffin, Epic Forest Lord