I was just 1v1 and i got a lvl 28 adept (i am myth 10). He used treasure helephant and wiped me out in one shot. i lost 21 points. This is so unfair. If i get beat by someone over my level i expect to lost less points then 21! Also i just did another pvp and went up against lvl 30 life, it is impossible to win these fights at my level. Fix this. I am sick of losing 5 in a row cause of too high level enemies. I am 19 won - 5 lost, i would not have 5 lost if these pvp were set up better
--------------------------------------------------------- Jacob AshCloud Legendary Pyromancer Jacob Ironhorn 10 Conjurer Benjamin Legendary Life
You are probaly a high rank in pvp you need to deserve that rank because obviously people your rank are no match for you they want to see what you extent is you could have shielded weakness tower shield dispel or a minion to distract him pvp is not required but why do something you dont need to when you are at the highest rank and it's not fun. If you read the pvp forum a good percent of the topic is of the matching you could have easily avoided this or prepared make multiple decks just in case of dealing with higher levels.Losing is a learning experince save up for treasure cards you can spam shields throw in a couple of treasure blades and devistate them trust me it works. Again it's up to you flip your own coin make your own choice there doesnt need to be so many of these topics anyway.
Joseph wyrmbane Joseph duskspear legendary spirits
1. You are probaly a high rank in pvp. 2. If you read the pvp forum a good percent of the topic is of the matching you could have easily avoided this or prepared make multiple decks just in case of dealing with higher levels. Again it's up to you flip your own coin make your own choice there doesnt need to be so many of these topics anyway.
Joseph wyrmbane Joseph duskspear legendary spirits
1. I am barley a captain.
2. How high i think the enemy is is by his health because of all the bazaar no stat items its confusing. So i cant fix a deck for higher rank. Also that guy helephanted me, and someone recently used fire dragon (lvl 5). So how do i make my deck for him a low lvl when he fire dragons?
This is 100% sad. I: Treasure cards are a part of PvP, and i doubt KI will change this just because you lose one match. Forgive me for being blunt, but just deal with it and move on. You say you lose all the time? That's to be expected if you a level ten. Level up and PvP will become much easier.
You have only lost five times. It's ok to lose sometimes since you have 19 to make up for it. I don't like treasure cards in Ranked pvp either, but i can be prepared for it since it works both ways.
Even with 3 legends on hand, I am only so-so on pvp, and just started again recently - but on my lower level 19 Life wizard. I started doing some group practice at first and then braved on to ranked solo.
I find that with good equipment and pet, she is doing quite well (current record of 9 wins and 1 loss.) She has great crown gear hand-me-downs, she has the storm amulet, and a spritely storm hound.
My first rank pvp (I was lvl 12 maybe) I lost against a level 19(?) fire that killed me with a helephant as well. I learned from that quickly! I have had to face some level 20 somethings. And yes, I do use treasure cards. Everyone has access to them and Life doesn't exactly have the strongest hit cards.
It's unpredicatble in ranked - who you're partnered with, and who you're up against. Yesterday I decided to try and join 2v2. After 1 round, my partner FLED. I was left to face a lvl 15 and 26 on my own, and I was already hit. I was sure I would die... but I shielded like crazy while I waited for pips. I kept getting hit and the healing pet helped. So how did I win? I used a Tempest treasure... both were down to under 400 each, then I just took them out one at a time.
My point? Treasure cards are tools - this was not a cheap shot. I earned this win. I used what I needed. I try to prepare for facing levels higher than me. As it is, they have an advantage of having a bigger deck - I can run out of cards sooner than them. I can't reshuffle unless I am fortunate enough to find a treasure in bazaar.
I still have plenty to learn in pvp... but enjoying it so far :)
well, least KI fixed this. now let's say a level 6 loses to a lvl 48. you level six will lose like 3 points, while the level 48 person gets 3 points. i knew about this from laura's "collection of out greatest ideas to improve pvp".
I was just 1v1 and i got a lvl 28 adept (i am myth 10). He used treasure helephant and wiped me out in one shot. i lost 21 points. This is so unfair. If i get beat by someone over my level i expect to lost less points then 21! Also i just did another pvp and went up against lvl 30 life, it is impossible to win these fights at my level. Fix this. I am sick of losing 5 in a row cause of too high level enemies. I am 19 won - 5 lost, i would not have 5 lost if these pvp were set up better
--------------------------------------------------------- Jacob AshCloud Legendary Pyromancer Jacob Ironhorn 10 Conjurer Benjamin Legendary Life
This is why I'm scared to play Ranked. I just play practice. And eventually play ranked only when my friends that are strong like me or stronger play as team. I currently have 8 wins and 6 loses. I will learn from that and try not to rank. But yea, Don't hesitate to use treasure cards in ranked matches! If they can, you can too! Try maximize your treasure deck before trying a ranked match! Just in case your enemy is stronger!
Colin LegendGem Level 54 Conjurer. " Power of the Mind vaporizes no dreams, yet vanquishes nightmares".
The unfair is using insane bolt in pvp with full waterworks and hellephant tower gears on any one!
1st: No shield can help you unless if it is tower one. 2nd: Storm wiz only need 2 pips for this spell, its crazy for damage that it cost! 3rd: Not one single school of magic have this kind of spell, when this favoring of storm school stops? 4th: It is very rare they been hit by that spell with all that gears.
So yea agree regarding lvl issue, but trust me, when you become legendary and go against storm wiz, my advice is flee, you will save your nerves.
And I really hope KI will do something about storm magic, this is starting to be ridiculous.
Well hello there everyone i just going change games because pvp so lame i am lvl 13 face lvl 26 the difference in health is 600 plus in health so even if go first very hard try win but if i go second dont have chance. This why wizard get lame i been play for year cant fix pvp lvl cap. Sorry Wizard you lose me as custmore spend lot crowns and get all junk game just get lame all things take away from players. Waterworks people cheated fix that why dont fix pvp just shows Wizard dont care about players all care about is money so i going take my 1000 dollars i spend a year i am go play another game. You dont Listen to players unless it has to do about crown thing. I will not vote for this game hope dont win. You try give players packs just get vote so you win you can keep pack and lame pet you will give. Well good luck all people play wizard there just money hongery people brag about how many members they have but i can tell you for every 1 they get 2 are leave this game after they find out they are money hongery people take care.
Well hello there everyone i just going change games because pvp so lame i am lvl 13 face lvl 26 the difference in health is 600 plus in health so even if go first very hard try win but if i go second dont have chance. This why wizard get lame i been play for year cant fix pvp lvl cap. Sorry Wizard you lose me as custmore spend lot crowns and get all junk game just get lame all things take away from players. Waterworks people cheated fix that why dont fix pvp just shows Wizard dont care about players all care about is money so i going take my 1000 dollars i spend a year i am go play another game. You dont Listen to players unless it has to do about crown thing. I will not vote for this game hope dont win. You try give players packs just get vote so you win you can keep pack and lame pet you will give. Well good luck all people play wizard there just money hongery people brag about how many members they have but i can tell you for every 1 they get 2 are leave this game after they find out they are money hongery people take care.
Um... no one is forcing you to pvp you could just go through the worlds and such. The story line is really good and the graphics are also good. So you may go and try and find another game but I doubt you will find one as good as this
Thats where your wrong what is there left for legendary to do but make another wizard. Plus there lot better games out there already found one. They didnt want to listen to players there just after your money thats it. They ruin everything all time make it bad for players first it was waterworks always been pvp and even ruin craft players let anyplayer get legendary gear you should have to work get it not a drop and player can help another but craft you kinda need do that by your self. Store line is good but rules are wrong how can lvl 5 be warlord by just set trap insane bolt now come on do real think that is fair.
Well hello there everyone i just going change games because pvp so lame i am lvl 13 face lvl 26 the difference in health is 600 plus in health so even if go first very hard try win but if i go second dont have chance. This why wizard get lame i been play for year cant fix pvp lvl cap. Sorry Wizard you lose me as custmore spend lot crowns and get all junk game just get lame all things take away from players. Waterworks people cheated fix that why dont fix pvp just shows Wizard dont care about players all care about is money so i going take my 1000 dollars i spend a year i am go play another game. You dont Listen to players unless it has to do about crown thing. I will not vote for this game hope dont win. You try give players packs just get vote so you win you can keep pack and lame pet you will give. Well good luck all people play wizard there just money hongery people brag about how many members they have but i can tell you for every 1 they get 2 are leave this game after they find out they are money hongery people take care.
This is what texting is doing to our population, both young and old. I weep for the future.
i have been doing a lot of player vs player lately and the first time i did it i was one on one vs a level 70 storm guy and i was wondering if it was possible to make it so people only faced others in there level range i think it is unfair that a transcended guy can come in kill people who are say level 30 and kill them and get the arena tickets possibly going up in rank for killing a lower level person who will get none
hi guys i was just in a ranked pvp and the team was soooo unfair. it was me and a other guy vs to other guys.my teams lvls were 45 and 45. the other team lvls were 70 60. we were really mad hope they can change this i am a privite and all of them were warlords or commanders and high ranks even in 1v1 3v3 4v4!!!!!!!!!!!
i have been doing a lot of player vs player lately and the first time i did it i was one on one vs a level 70 storm guy and i was wondering if it was possible to make it so people only faced others in there level range i think it is unfair that a transcended guy can come in kill people who are say level 30 and kill them and get the arena tickets possibly going up in rank for killing a lower level person who will get none
In the update they fixed the level range problem, so problem already solved.
how long did you wait? because the longer you wait the more far apart your lvl gets with your opponent. its frustrating,but that's what happens when few people play.
I always lose in pvp matches, and never, ever win! I always get paired up with a bad team, or level 70 players, or the team I have is good and the enemy is better. Or maybe I'm just not powerful,but whatever it is, I don't like it!!! :x
Ya, I am a level 61 pyromancer, and over the past 2 days, whenever i've done a 1v1, i would go against a lvl 70, but i am a knight, and they're usually privates, but still, Seriously?!?!?!?!!!