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Myth spell: Earthquake

Nov 29, 2008
Does anyone know for sure whether it removes charms and wards (or whatever they are called) from ALL enemies you are facing, or just the enemy you cast it on?

I assume from reading the card that it does damage to a single opponent, but the card uses the words "enemies" when it refers to removing charms and wards.

I'm trying to decide if the spell is worth learning...

Sep 26, 2008
Well the last time I played my Master Myth and used that spell it took everything off all the mobs both good and bad.


Jul 12, 2008
It takes off all shields on all enemies you are battling. This includes any boosts you and your team put on them. I have this card on one of my hats or robes, cant remember which.

Heather Ravenblood
Level 50 - Death/Life

Nov 29, 2008
Thanks for the replies, now I would like to ask some specific questions.

Shields protect the enemy from a particular energy type(s).

Traps make them more vulnerable to an energy type(s).

Reading your responses, it sounds like earthquake also removes traps, is that correct?

Sep 20, 2008
zebrie wrote:
Thanks for the replies, now I would like to ask some specific questions.

Shields protect the enemy from a particular energy type(s).

Traps make them more vulnerable to an energy type(s).

Reading your responses, it sounds like earthquake also removes traps, is that correct?

If you mean ones that boost Damage-done like Curse and Myth Trap, no; Those are triggered early enough in the attack-sequence that they do activate normally. But ones that take affect after that, like the Fire-Charm created by Fire Elf or the buffs created from spells like BalanceBlade, ARE removed by the Earthquake. I'm not entirely sure if Shields like Myth Shield would trigger or be removed; and since Earthquake is a Spell I plan to add to my Deck soon, I would really love to have a clear answer on that one myself.....

Dec 18, 2008
First off, Earthquake hits all ememies, not just the one you targeted.

Secondly, when it hits, it acts just like any other spell, using any blades and traps a Myth spell would use. It also uses any hexs or curses or feint on the ememies, along with any myth shields (Including Tower Shields and Absorbs, etc.)

Now the special part with Earthquake, after the damage, Earthquake removes all charms (Blades, good and bad) and wards (shields and traps still remaining). Leaving the ememies without any items revolving around them.

Hope this clears things up.

Dustin Sandcaster
Grandmaster Conjurer

Sep 20, 2008
tdg30 wrote:
First off, Earthquake hits all ememies, not just the one you targeted.

Secondly, when it hits, it acts just like any other spell, using any blades and traps a Myth spell would use. It also uses any hexs or curses or feint on the ememies, along with any myth shields (Including Tower Shields and Absorbs, etc.)

Now the special part with Earthquake, after the damage, Earthquake removes all charms (Blades, good and bad) and wards (shields and traps still remaining). Leaving the ememies without any items revolving around them.

Hope this clears things up.

Dustin Sandcaster
Grandmaster Conjurer

It does for me anyway, thanx ....

Danial DragonSinger (Myth 34, Sunbird)

Sep 22, 2008
zebrie wrote:
Does anyone know for sure whether it removes charms and wards (or whatever they are called) from ALL enemies you are facing, or just the enemy you cast it on?

I assume from reading the card that it does damage to a single opponent, but the card uses the words "enemies" when it refers to removing charms and wards.

I'm trying to decide if the spell is worth learning...

It hits and removes all unused charms (swords) and shields (shields and traps) from all opponents.

Nov 29, 2008
Yes, all clear, thanks for the specific, precise responses, much appreciated!!