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Chat while trading

Jan 20, 2009
As it is, the trade window takes up the entire screen and blocks out all chat bubbles. This makes is very hard to communicate during a trade. It would be nice if chat bubbles popped on top of the trade window so that you could talk about your trades with the other person.

It would be nicer if only the chat bubbles from the person you are trading with popped over the trade window.

It would be nicer still if there were an area in the trade window for a private chat session between the two parties.

Dec 18, 2008
When you are in the trade window, press enter. shows what other people are saying including PMs

Jan 13, 2009
Really like the idea of chatting while trading and to add to that being able to trade more then just treasured cards would be a great addition as well. Great game all in all...

Feb 14, 2009
tntcrew2827 wrote:
Really like the idea of chatting while trading and to add to that being able to trade more then just treasured cards would be a great addition as well. Great game all in all...

We should be able to trade gold for treasure cards. I can understand the no trading of items as that would only lead to "twinking". However having a collection of tresure card I will likely never use seems to me there should be something more available to do with them. Even if it is only the ability to sell the treasure cards back to a library vender or trade them in for tickets of some type?