Which do you think is more powerful? Skeletal Dragon or Leviathan?
Skeletal Dragon has twenty less base damage, but DOT, meaning that your gear boosts apply to every time it damages the opponent.
A Skeletal Dragon boosted with Gargantuan does even more damage, as again it applies to all the damage it does over three rounds. It's even more powerful with Deathblade and Spirit Blade.
However, It is tough to use Feint with it as it is, again, a DOT spell, whereas with Leviathan, it takes total advantage of Feint.
There is Darkwind for Storm as well as a global spell that boosts damage, while death gets curse (nearly useless) and a global spell that is the death of must Theurgists.
Also consider, however, the fact that Deathblade accounts for more of a damage boost then Stormblade.
But, you can have a pet with a talent that gives you a Deathblade that mingles with your others. Now throw in treasure cards from all the different sets out there. Finally, (I'm pretty sure) there is an amulet that gives you a Deathblade spell. Now (I'm pretty sure) storm is the same way, but again, the boosts don't account for much and Leviathan isn't DOT.
Then, there is also the pet talent that increases your damage boost, which goes farther with DOT.
I know that both spells will do huge overkill to an opponent either way, but I want actual numbers for this stuff. No sayings like: "whichever kills the opponent faster."
I'd do the math myself, but I don't know which order to add all the stuff, and this post is already long. I do not want this to boil down to opinion. I do not want this to become an argument about either school being overpowered, which, both really aren't. I just want to know which would do more damage.