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Spellbook or binder for card collection

Jan 31, 2009
Greetings. First, just want to say what a great game. I'm looking forward to seeing it grow. A large part of the game is card collecting, so why not make a binder or spellbook button that houses all of your cards in order. Spell cards could still be separated by category, as they are now, but there would be 9 to a page, just like card sleeve pages that are sold for collectible card games now. More importantly, the spellbook would show you what cards you have, and notate the slots and cards you are missing. This would be especially useful in learning what all the cards are, certainly since the new sets of card packs are being released. Please consider this idea, as I do believe it would be a popular function and draw people even more into the collectible card aspect of the game. Thanks, and keep up the good work!

Jan 20, 2009
I've often thought that there should be an easier way to sift through treasure cards, when all other spells are categorized.

Perhaps there could be an option to display treasure cards in their respective school, as well as the treasure card tab of the spellbook.