As I have seen some of my friends have gotten the card but they live on the West coast o: But I have called my local Gamestop and they have NO idea what it is. And I know the card officially came out yesterday but not nationally.
*Edit: I called another Gamestop and they do have them.
As I have seen some of my friends have gotten the card but they live on the West coast o: But I have called my local Gamestop and they have NO idea what it is. And I know the card officially came out yesterday but not nationally.
Yup, some of the Gamestops released the Mega Bundle early (May 25th was not suppose to be the release date). Rest assured. If your local Gamestop sells the Epic Bundle, then it is highly likely the Mega Bundle is in a shipment on the way!!!
P.S. Don't let the employees lack of knowledge get you down either. Unless the employees play or know about Wizard 101 or lots of customers ask about the new Mega Bundle, then it is likely the employees will NOT have any idea what your talking about until it arrives in their store. Especially if they answered your question without taking the time to look up shipment dates in the computer.
As I have seen some of my friends have gotten the card but they live on the West coast o: But I have called my local Gamestop and they have NO idea what it is. And I know the card officially came out yesterday but not nationally.
*Edit: I called another Gamestop and they do have them.