I found all of the Smiths in Wizard City, but now it says I need to fine one in Grizzelheim,in the wintertusk area. Is this a new SMith, or is this a glitch? Itried talking to Zeke, but he ask's if I have found them all...HELP!!
Each Zeke quest follows another. Wizard city zeke once done will allow you to talk to zeke in Krokotopia in which that zeke will give you quest for beetles.
Same goes for Grizzlehiem You will need to finish the yard bird quest to get the new troggs quest for Wintertusk.
Okay, I found the problem. I thought I had gotten the Smith in "The Commons" but apparently I had not...but it was showing that the smith was in Wintertusk....weird....
It is likely a bug associated with the known glitch involving some NPC text referring to places in Wizard City as Wintertusk places instead. See the below link for the bug I am referring. I would contact support and let them know this may be associated with that.
Recently several goals have been showing their location as in Wintertusk when they're really in Wizard City. You may have one of these.
Does the message say something like 'Locate the Commons Smith' with the name of a Wizard City area, but with the location below shown as in Grizzleheim? If so believe the message and look for the area named in Wizard City.
Recently several goals have been showing their location as in Wintertusk when they're really in Wizard City. You may have one of these.
Does the message say something like 'Locate the Commons Smith' with the name of a Wizard City area, but with the location below shown as in Grizzleheim? If so believe the message and look for the area named in Wizard City.
Yep that is what it said...found the one I was looking for and was able to complete the quest...