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Death Spells Nerfed?

Jul 21, 2009
I'm very happy about health stealing spells being able to be buffed with cards such as Gargantuan. I don't mean to complain, but if I use Gargantuan(+225) on a wraith(500) it make a wraith that does 600 damage. It should be 725 with the gargantuan. I'm just wondering whether this is a glitch or if it's an intended nerf. I could understand if it's intended to stop Death from having too much of an advantage.

Luke Darkblood 60 Death
Jeremy StarSinger 54 Storm
James DawnWalker 50 Balance
Gavin 26 Myth

Not a bug, this was addressed in the following post:

Drain spells are more powerful than standard damage spells.
We made the outcome of using Gargantuan and other improvement spells on drain spells less effective to balance out the damage.

Nov 25, 2010
Professor, I haven't read what's in the link yet, but if a Gantuan (idk if I spelled that right), death blade, curse, and a death shield were to be used wouldn't that make its power go into the thousands?

Blaine Ghostbreath, Level 33 Necromancer

Aug 21, 2009
the problem with death is that they are a slow to cast school... that is to say that they may be able to plus up their attacks and their attacks heal and all but to do everything they are a bit slow to attack... slow to attack means they get hit during the meantime by faster attackers and others have more time to mess up the attacks

I simply do not see all the huge damage death is supposed to have on a turn to damage and healing basis to justify the strength card reductions. I must be missing something here.

Jan 05, 2011
The way they set it up, you're not really losing any of the bonus. gargantuan gives +225. put on wraith, 150 goes to damage and half of 150 (75) goes to the heal. i think it's a fair call. -keller moonblade, adept necromancer

Aug 01, 2009
deathmaster: a death shield does not increase damage.. and yes, a gargantuan skeletal pirate with blade and trap goes rather high.. my biggest hit with a gargantuan skeletal pirate (critical too) was 11200. I wrote it down it was so huge- It also was trapped & feinted :) The wraith is pretty close to being the same as the pirate- a little bit of a weaker hit but not much . The damage will vary from player to player because of gear/pets/stats in general..

Mar 28, 2009
etherchaos wrote:
The way they set it up, you're not really losing any of the bonus. gargantuan gives +225. put on wraith, 150 goes to damage and half of 150 (75) goes to the heal. i think it's a fair call. -keller moonblade, adept necromancer

Check your math: Wraith (500) + Gargantuan (225) = Wraith (600)
Half the extra goes to heal (50).
75 is simply lost :-(

Morgrim Shadow
Legendary Necromancer