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marlybone is way to hard!

Jan 11, 2011
marlybone marlybone seriously!

big ben solo a legendary told me he cant even finish solo o. o

gives like a little xp in big ben

when you in a mount in hyde park knights court and so on
you sometimes get in a battle when you walk in on the side walk!

marlybone should be for higher levels and mooshu should be less harder
and level 42 should get a quest to do big ben solo or they die!

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
dillanx wrote:
marlybone marlybone seriously!

big ben solo a legendary told me he cant even finish solo o. o

gives like a little xp in big ben

when you in a mount in hyde park knights court and so on
you sometimes get in a battle when you walk in on the side walk!

marlybone should be for higher levels and mooshu should be less harder
and level 42 should get a quest to do big ben solo or they die!

A legendary can't solo Big Ben....he must of meant he couldn't do it in under 15 minutes. You should be able to solo it once you get your level 33 spell for most schools. With all the healing available, you shouldn't even need to use potions.

Sidewalks....if you watch enemy movements you can plan for them, they don't try and trick you, just wait till it is clear.

While most get to MB about level 25, it is easily able to be done by a strong player even earlier.

The questions you should be asking yourself:
1) Are you in a hurry? Bad news here, you don't wait for the MOBs to move, you don't check your deck before each battle, you use potions rather than finding healing, etc.
2) Is your equipmnet up to date? You should have a reasonable amount of coins saved by now. Go to the bazaar and find the gear that best matches your play style.
3) Deck construction is a must, do you have a fast deck for the current MOBs? When you get to a boss, do you recraft your deck just for that combat? Do you use prisms when needed?
4) Friends: Do you warn them ahead of time you might get yourself into a bad fight and need help, so that they aren't busy? Do you have those emergency crowns (everyone gets a few starting) for an emergency henchman call?

Apr 25, 2011
My friend and I find Marlybone is aggravting. They will pull you into a battle even when you are far away and in the clear. Plus having to do a quest over so many times is rediculous. The 5th chimney is too hard to find which makes the dungeon longer than it needs to be. Out of all the worlds Marlybone is my least favorite. If I had my way I would not even come here.

If you die in battle trying to find the 5th chimney do you have to find all 5 over again or can you just finish find the 5th one?

May 20, 2010
If you think Marleybone is hard, wait until you get to Dragonspyre.

One trick you can use, even if soloing, is to set a teleport mark INSIDE the dungeon, teleport out to the commons area, refill your health, mana, and potions, and teleport back in and continue. That way, you can heal up after a floor and continue, and you can teleport back in if you get defeated.

This isn't a game that can be steamrolled through. Sometimes you have to use your head, plan ahead, and use strategy. Big Ben isn't a cakewalk, but it can be soloed.

Oct 24, 2010
colagada wrote:
If you think Marleybone is hard, wait until you get to Dragonspyre.

One trick you can use, even if soloing, is to set a teleport mark INSIDE the dungeon, teleport out to the commons area, refill your health, mana, and potions, and teleport back in and continue. That way, you can heal up after a floor and continue, and you can teleport back in if you get defeated.

This isn't a game that can be steamrolled through. Sometimes you have to use your head, plan ahead, and use strategy. Big Ben isn't a cakewalk, but it can be soloed.

I agree.
Probably 90% of my battles are done solo. I have gotten through Big Ben without dying and without problem. You just have to use the tools given us; mark inside the dungeon, port out, flee, whatever you need to do to stay alive then port back in.

Feb 14, 2010
When I was using my first wizard, who is ice, I thought Marleybone and especially Big Ben were very hard. I Think I was below level 29 at the time and needed a lot of help to get to Mooshu. It took me at least 5 trys to beat Big Ben.
I now have 4 Legendary wizards and I enjoyed Marleybone much more on my latest visits there. My latest wizards I leveled up some before they started and they could use gear won by my previous wizards so that certainly helps.

The key I think is to get help, especially with the dungeons and bosses. Questing in groups is my best strategy for the tougher areas, especially if you can find a life wizard to run with.
There are all kinds of ways to strengthen your wizard, though it takes awhile for most to learn them, and usually after making it to GM or Legendary with your first wizard. I agree with a previous post that it helps to be level 33 or 35 to get through Marleybone.

Good gear is essential and always upgrade when you have the chance. You can buy treasure cards at the bazaar to help you - extra blades or traps, healing spells, etc. If you have crowns you can buy a wand that gives you a bonus power pip to start with, or hire henchmen to help you out with tougher battles. Shields are a must and help you survive long enough to attack.

Over time you develop better strategies. I started using a wand that was opposite of my school (I used fire for my ice) so you can knock down a weakness on you, or a fire shield on an ice enemy.

Some people use a spells from a second school to help them deal with enemies that are the same school as them, though I have never favored this strategy. I use converts when I need them.

Good luck.

Jul 19, 2011
colagada wrote:
If you think Marleybone is hard, wait until you get to Dragonspyre.

One trick you can use, even if soloing, is to set a teleport mark INSIDE the dungeon, teleport out to the commons area, refill your health, mana, and potions, and teleport back in and continue. That way, you can heal up after a floor and continue, and you can teleport back in if you get defeated.

This isn't a game that can be steamrolled through. Sometimes you have to use your head, plan ahead, and use strategy. Big Ben isn't a cakewalk, but it can be soloed.

I totally agree i mean i always put mark location near a dungeon or a hard street so if i get defeated i can to teleport to the commons refill mana and health and potions then port back to the street so i dont have to fight anything or whatever just to get where i need to be so i suggest everyone does this

Jul 01, 2010
I agree because when getting my Ice minion card, I had to get my friend to get me to Marleybone because I didn't have it unlocked. And I had to face, by myself, a 2,000 health boss and a 625 health minion. It was hard. I didn't even kill the boss half way and I already died.

P.S. I couldn't do it with a friend :'(

Sohpia MoonCloud, Level 28 Thuamaturge

Jul 11, 2011
No,Not really,but I will tell you what it is to make it easy:
Friends-You need friends for help,like friends that can heal pother players and help you defeat the hard bosses and dungeons.In Big Ben,if you have no one by your side,all you to do is mark the spot before you start battling so if you die you teleport back there.If you win you can forget about that marked space and go upstairs and mark that spot again.If you run out of mana while doing this,go to a place that has mana sparkles or play a game,and teleport back to where you are

When you go on the sides because they have no sidewalks,stick to that with NO MOUNTS IF your are with a mount unequipt it because if you stick to the sides with your mount,you can get to battle EASY.Once you get to the space you need to go to,like a dungeon,or someone's tower,equipt your mount before you do anything.

Thats all I will explain now

Good Luck!

Abigail Pearlfoutain,lvl 34 ice :?

Aug 30, 2011
dillanx wrote:
marlybone marlybone seriously!

big ben solo a legendary told me he cant even finish solo o. o

gives like a little xp in big ben

when you in a mount in hyde park knights court and so on
you sometimes get in a battle when you walk in on the side walk!

marlybone should be for higher levels and mooshu should be less harder
and level 42 should get a quest to do big ben solo or they die!

On the rooftops, just watch for the directions the bad guys are headed. When you see a line of unwanted enemies heading for you, quickly go to the sideways either left or right of each bridge connecting the rooftops. Just stay away from the wire mesh and hide behind any available roof chimneys and other objects when you can. Once the bad guys get away from your zone, just go ahead and do the same process.

For the Legendary not being able to solo Big Ben: What in the chains of a living soul kind of strategy did you use?! I started soloing Big Ben when I was only level 34 or so. You really need to improve your battle strategy if that's true.

Sep 05, 2011
The biggest problem for me in MB is the gearheads in Chelsea court. They are a lot faster then cats and always see you if you are too close. Never follow the arrow in some quests to avoid a lot of them.

May 17, 2009
Are you kidding? MB should be 20 times harder! It is very easy,so is MS. It only took me 5 days to finish MB, and about a week to finish MS. Big Ben is very simple if you don't spill the milk and have a good friend or a full dungeon. You can solo it if you have good multi attacks that kill in one or too hits. Blizzard, Humongofrog and Meteor are good examples. A tip about the sidewalks are that you look both ways and that nobody is in the box or close to you. I hope these tips help :D

Jack ThunderRunner, level 61
Kane Soulhorn, level 50
Valdus EarthBlade, level 27
Jacob Sword, level 20
Blaze DragonFist, level 14

Sep 26, 2010
im on the big ben and i cant find anybody else the has the same quest so i have to do it by myself. i is really hard! and i always run out of mana :-(