Does anyone else agree with me that Trial of the Spheres is a phenomenal success as an instance? There's just the right mix of strategy and brute force to put into it, the drops are great, and the music is actually quite good. I would rate this instance 5 out of 5 stars. Other opinions?
I completely agree (I'm not the only one who noticed the music). Also it just looks really cool, for instance (instance: no pun intended) when you fight Mithirya and you're standing on the surface of the sun (or so it looks like).
The trial of the spheres is the quest you do at the end of the Celestia storyline. As you learn about different astral schools and insert their symbols into the grand astrolobe you are able to unlock different parts of the trial of the spheres. When you complete the grand astrolobe you can do the trial of the spheres.