Im a level 21 necromancer :D doing the story of elor task. trouble is i can only find 1 of the books ( the one in skellik's fort ) i really need to know where and how i get to them. ive been searching for about 3 days now and im sick of getting a hunch of where it may be and it not being there if anyone knows where they are and how to get them please respond. thank you!
One of them is in winterdeep warren, another is in Valgar Goldenblade(I think thats his name) castle, but you cant go there till your level 40. another is in ravenscar, in the covens building. I think there is another in this ice fortress above this place that you have or will soon have acess too.
When you have a question about a specific world, you'll get better results by putting the question in that world's forum (Grizzleheim in this case).
You won't be able to get to the book you want until level 35 or level 40 (when you're allowed to see the King).
You're doing the "Lore of the Runes" quest: looking for the "History of Grizzleheim" books. Like other "find the" quests given by Prospector Zeke or another NPC in each world, these are scattered over many different areas, and you basically need to finish most of the world before you can get access to all of the areas.
Grizzleheim varies in difficulty from relatively easy to very hard. Because of that, there are level restrictions on some areas. As in other worlds, you need to finish each area before being allowed into the next. Information on other fansites is contradictory, but this is the general outline:
Savarstaad Pass: level 20 Vigrid Roughland: 20 or 25 Frostholm: 20 or 25 Mirkholm Keep: 30 Nidavellir: 35 or 40 Ravenscar: 40
If you get stuck on the location of a "find the" quest, there are helpful guides on fansite Wizard101 Central. Here's the link to one.