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New Computer?!

Oct 04, 2009
Well, my computer (Windows Vista Home Premium) has been acting up (not because of Wizard101) and we are thinking about getting a new computer (possibly Windows 7 or the same, Windows Vista). My question is if I get a new computer, am I able to keep all of my game files and my account??? OR, instead of getting a new computer all together, I also am thinking about doing a system restore. Will that do anything to my game files and account? I do not want to have to start over with this game because I have put a lot of money in it. :-( And finally my third question is am I able to back all the game files and account info.? Thank you so much in advance for answering these few questions!

Olivia IceCloud
Lvl. 58 Grandmaster
School of Ice

No worries, young Wizard, your answer is right in the FAQ.

Your Wizard is safely stored at Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. Even if you uninstall Wizard101 from your computer, your Wizard, all the belongings and experience earned is still safe.

When you reinstall, it may look like your Wizard is still wearing his/her starter outfit, but they're not, it just takes a little time for your computer to download all images of the clothing and items that you're wearing, so don't panic! You can verify that your Wizard is still wearing their higher level clothing by looking at it in your backpack.

May 20, 2010
I suggest that you get Windows 7. Vista never has worked right, and Windows 7 works very well.

Aug 11, 2009
If you want to save the hassle of downloading everything, you are able to copy certain Wizard 101 files from your old computer to the new one. This will save time in loading the game and you will be able to see the items correctly displayed from the start – rather than the starting clothes and the boxes – and the NPCs would be correctly displayed. This also cuts down on lag in the game due to downloading those items when needed.

Be careful if you do this – make sure that you put the items in the right folder. (Program Files\KingsIsle Entertainment\Wizard101) [this location may be different on your old computer]

Install the game on the new computer – basic material in the initial download from KI. Then before you play the game, copy the .wad files from Data\GameData (folder) (more than 2GB) on your old computer and put them into the same folder on the new computer. These files are the bulk of the downloading that takes place during the game, so that clothes, NPCs, and items are correctly displayed.

If it does not work – the game is easy to fix – simply uninstall and start over.

As Professor Greyrose has stated, your wizards are safely stored on the KI servers - aka Ravenwood School of Magical Arts. This is why you are able to play the game from other computers without any loss of progress and development of characters.

Have fun!!! :) :) :)