I have looked at MANY different websites and they all say different things about icezilla with card and icehound with card. I am an ice, and one of my goals in wizard101 was to get an icezilla with icezilla, or an icehound with icehound card. I have heard that they have both been taken away and replaced with frostzilla with stormzilla card and icehound with orythrus card. Is this true? I am not talking about the test realm, but the live realm, and I'm not wondering if people have them, but if someone who doesn't have one (me) could get one by hatching or some other way. Please help me!
frostzilla has only the stormzilla card ( i have both a won frostzilla and hatched one), icezilla was discontinued i read, personnaly never saw one
ice hound will give a ice hound card at epic, uses 7 pips, at teen,adult, and ancient mine gave things like pips, traps, etc i have one of my ice using the hound cause i like it, lol, the other ice however uses darkwalker - the black colossus pet from death/ice hatch- it gives me power to ice, death resistance, and ice shield
attributes vary all the time, my other darkwalker gave nothing even at ancient