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Best Pets :?:

Dec 09, 2008
Mar 15, 2009
that can vary as to best pet,it all depend on how luck you get leveling your pet,but level strength/adgility first or at least higher then other pet skills and you should get hit/pips maybe a spell card.

hint spinfish can level up good my wife just started leveling her and has spritely/+2 dam at teen so this is a good pet.

my death has zombie and has +5dam,+5accuracy +8 deffence and may cast death trap this is a good death pet.

M.RedBlood death 60 I have archfiend

Feb 09, 2011
Zzatdragon wrote:
that can vary as to best pet,it all depend on how luck you get leveling your pet,but level strength/adgility first or at least higher then other pet skills and you should get hit/pips maybe a spell card.

hint spinfish can level up good my wife just started leveling her and has spritely/+2 dam at teen so this is a good pet.

my death has zombie and has +5dam,+5accuracy +8 deffence and may cast death trap this is a good death pet.

M.RedBlood death 60 I have archfiend
how do u get the zombie pet?

Mar 15, 2009
zombie is droped by Lokar,Nidavellir,hall of valor in Grizzleheim

when you first get to GH go left under the bridge behind the water falls you will see a door go in.
Inside you will see three doors he is in the middle one.
it would be easyer to fight the other boss's behind the other doors un less you feel your group can take on three boss's at once.

it can take a long time to just get to the boss's in some case's so make sure you got the time.

oh the death troll is droped by Jotun in the same area.

hope this helps you good luck.


Jan 08, 2011
roek3003 wrote:
What are the best pet in the game with pips and card? Thanks in advance
My starfish casts Spritely! :-D

Mar 08, 2009
It depends on your school of focus. Getting a card that is from another school would sometime be longer to cast. For example: I'm a life wizard and I recieved a minotaur spell from my minotaur. I have to wait for about (guessing) 5 rounds. Since power pips don't count on other school spells so I have to wait for those 5 rounds. I could have just used a life spell on my enemy in only 2 rounds.

If you want a good pet, try getting one that is in the same school as you. Say you were myth. The myth imp can probably offer myth accuracy, myth damage and/or a "may cast myth blade/trap". Then that pet would prove useful.

If you are looking for a specific pet, try looking on the fansites. They
can probably offer information about the pet's talents. Note: If you are
wondering about a hybrid's talents, it would depend on the parent's talents because the hybrid may manifest a talent from one or both of the parents.

Oct 09, 2010
I think the pets with Spritely are the best :D
A lot of pets have Pip O' Plenty, so finding one shouldn't be TOO hard

Nov 23, 2008
The best pets are boss drops, and hatched pets. Those are MONSTER because they get boosts and they could give cards. So those are the best pets to get. I hope you enjoyed! :D :) :-) :-o :( :x :? :| :-(

Dec 25, 2010
I would say that any pet can be good for any school it really depends on how many hours you want to spend farming and hatching. Try to keep schools with the same cards together (Ice hound with ice school) because it takes less time to use the spell. But other then that hatch hatch hatch! The points don't really matter unless you plan on derby. The only thing that makes a good pet is DNA and talents. The higher the DNA the better the chance your pet will get great spells.

Though for all around best pet. Fierce hound. They start off as a death pet IF you buy it from the epic pack. But with careful hatching you can get yourself a great pet with the best spells (hatch them with sea dragons for best results). They also have a VERY high chance of getting/passing Spritely and it dosen't matter if your level 60 or level 2 this is the spell you want to have.

Apr 30, 2010
Your school pet is actually one of your best pets! But other then that, go with both your school and secondary school. I have a life/storm wizard. I also have a storm mander that I mixed with someone's life banshee. I ended up getting a life banshee pet/card with the mander's resist to storm which has become very useful lately!

Feb 17, 2011