So i was trying to figure out how far down the life tree to go with my storm wizard. I have items that give bonus to heal which makes sprite and pixie much more worth casting. Spirit armor could be a wonderful way to support my very low base health...but rather expensive in pips...I was wondering if spirit armor is effected by heal bonus items like sprite is? like does it increase the amount of damage absorbed? If not i may not bother going further down than sprite, but if so i'll definately want that spell and maybe centaur also.
So i was trying to figure out how far down the life tree to go with my storm wizard. I have items that give bonus to heal which makes sprite and pixie much more worth casting. Spirit armor could be a wonderful way to support my very low base health...but rather expensive in pips...I was wondering if spirit armor is effected by heal bonus items like sprite is? like does it increase the amount of damage absorbed? If not i may not bother going further down than sprite, but if so i'll definately want that spell and maybe centaur also.
The absorb spells (spirit armor and ice armor) are fixed amounts. Nothing affects them, not gear, not spells, not anything. You can cast shields after the absorb to reduce the damage hitting the absorb, but that's about the extent of it. It does have some strategic value because you can cast them when your health is full, or close to full, but it mostly depends on your play style and strategy.
No, unfortunately, Spirit Armor is not affected by Guiding Light or those other health-boosting spells. The only armor I know of that is, is the Ice Armor, which gives you so much protection per pip. And the only way I know of to get that is through a necklace, unless you're Ice, which I'm not.