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The Prophecy

Jun 10, 2009
At the end of celestia morganthe makes a prophecy
The mirror will break
The horn will call
from the shadows i strike
and the skies will fall

What do you think it means, and what do you think will happen?


Mar 09, 2009
The mirror will break
The horn will call
from the shadows i strike
and the skies will fall

i like this this is the first time kingsisle has started to tell about a newer world and allow u to decied wht u think it means. i think the next world will be kinda like a olympus a world in the skys when u enter the world something bad will happen representing 7 years of bad luck (mirror breaking ) the horn turns oylmpus into a underworld type place after tht well ur in the shadows so she is going to attack duh and the skies will fall same thing the world turns to darkness. thts if tht is just for the next world if its for the whole story line........well........ thats another story

Stevenblueweaver life lvl 60

Feb 24, 2009
I think It's something like a Grizzleheim (the horn part) thing where Nidavier's two extra doors will be the world gates for two parts of the new Grizzleheimian world

Jun 25, 2009
thrashers wrote:
The mirror will break
The horn will call
from the shadows i strike
and the skies will fall

i like this this is the first time kingsisle has started to tell about a newer world and allow u to decied wht u think it means. i think the next world will be kinda like a olympus a world in the skys when u enter the world something bad will happen representing 7 years of bad luck (mirror breaking ) the horn turns oylmpus into a underworld type place after tht well ur in the shadows so she is going to attack duh and the skies will fall same thing the world turns to darkness. thts if tht is just for the next world if its for the whole story line........well........ thats another story

Stevenblueweaver life lvl 60

it's hard to understand you

hunter legendwraith level 60 necromancer

Aug 13, 2009
I believe it means that the friends you knew will become enemies on the line, The mirror will break.

The Horn Will Call: the battle will begin.

From the shadows I strike: She'll strike sneakily.

And the skies will fall: This one, I believe, tells us that everything might be coming to an end .... Or, it's the old saying when Celestia was sunken

May 24, 2009
mirror breaking is bad luck.horns are a war sign they signal before battle from the shadows i strike shadows live in secrecy she will not be detected when she attacts and the last one the sky will fall way of life will be destroyed

Dec 12, 2008
Is it not obvious to you all The mirror will break: In the past some people believed mirrors were portals to alternate universe that when you got in you wont get out... The horn will call: a signal of war... From the shadows i strike: meaning the time is unknown but it will be strong... The skies will fall: if you have heard the old destruction myths of the past the moon was believed to fall and it covers the sky in red and other colors and so it is like the sky is falling.

These will be tough times to pass through all i can say is two things: Live long and Friends are needed to help pass through these hard times.

this is dakota legendsmith saying the fight of all fights are coming train live and prosper.

Jun 08, 2009

The mirror will break: Well, It could mean happiness (the mirror) will be destroyed (the breaking part)

The horn will call: This probably means All Evil (the horn) will start a war (the calling part)

From the shadows I strike: Isn't it obvious that it means Morgonthe's ghost will come back for REVENGE?

And the skies will fall: Basically the spiral will blow up or something.

OH NO! Wizard 101 is DOOMED!


Here is the REAL prophecy:

The wizards will stand
And use their powers
to save the spiral
during the last hours!

-Courtney life

Dec 06, 2009
Hmm ...

The Mirror Will Break- The Mirror could be some type of Barrier that she could not get through. I don't exactly know.

The Horn Will Call- This is probably referring to Wintertusk and the Grandmother Raven. Her and Bartleby both put an end to the endless dispute between the Giants, Tritons, and Dragons.

From the Shadows I strike- She will strike secretly.

The Skies Will Fall- The Giants were the Rulers of the Skies, I don't know if she was making an analogy to that or that she was simply saying that it would be the end of Wizard City.

There are my thoughts, thanks for posting this topic, nice catch.

- Oran Titanrider, Grandmaster Thaumaturgist

Apr 27, 2009
anyone notice that grandmother raven (a person from the new world) is holding a horn

here is the ral prophecy:
morganthe will strike back
the wizards shall rise up to the challenge
during the final 20 minutes

Jun 25, 2009
Nicitas wrote:
At the end of celestia morganthe makes a prophecy
The mirror will break
The horn will call
from the shadows i strike
and the skies will fall

What do you think it means, and what do you think will happen?


i got it,

the mirror will break means that when morganthe or any other forces of her break the mirror just by looking at it

the horn will call means that like in roman times every time a colliseum fight began a person would blow a horn

from the shadows i strike means the shadow weavers will strike again

and the skys will fall means the heavens will falll

Mar 07, 2009
The mirror will break: The Barrier will fall

The Horn will Call:Someone will bring the ghost of the former bosses at the end of the world back

From the shadows i will strike: morganthe will strike with While the Giants

Awaken from there slumber making clouds and a eclipse

and the Skies will fall: the battle will take us to the Skies making them fall