I hope this is not too long, but I have two questions, if someone can help me.
1. I am confused on the cost of hatching two pets. I have been hatching my Ice Colossus with the dog that I got from my $40 gift card. I noticed when the price is 33710, I always get a Ice Colossus back. When the price is 34xxx gold (I don't remember the last three numbers), I always get a dog back. Why is this, it the price a key to what you are getting or is the price just higher some times???? I have only gotten a dog back around 33% of the time, so far.
2. If I remember the screen correctly, each pet has 10 talents on the left side of the screen and 10 racing talents on the right side. Just looking at the ten on the left side of the screen, how does hatching work. If I take a Death dog and a Colossus and hatch them and get a dog back, does it work like this for each dog I get back.
hatched - (Original dog and the Original Ice Colossus.) Gen 1, the dog will have 2 Ice talents (and the rest are of death).
hatched - (Gen 1 dog and the Original Ice Colossus.) Gen 2, the dog will have 4 Ice talents.
hatched - (Gen 2 dog and the Original Ice Colossus.) Gen 3, the dog will have 6 Ice talents.
hatched -(Gen 3 dog and the Original Ice Colossus.) Gen 4, the dog will have 8 Ice talents.
hatched - (Gen 4 dog and the Original Ice Colossus.) Gen 5, the dog will have 9 Ice talents or all Ice talents.
The reason that I'm asking, is I am at Gen 4, but the dog has more death talents than I expected. What I wanted was a dog that had all the talents of my Ice Colossus. As it is, it does not seem to work the way it was expalined to me.
I want to hatch some of my pets, my Defender Pig to be exact. When I finally found someone with an adult pet, they didnt have enough gold, and I had sold all of my housing items to get gold to hatch! Please, make hatching prices lower, and fast!
I believe the mixing of talents is random. If you keep mixing as you explained above, eventually a xx generation dog would conceivabley have all ice talents, however it would take quite some time. and many generations