I've noticed that pet hybrids all have a cross between the two parents such as Satyr mixed with Helephant breeds a Forest Oni/Helephant (not sure on the exact name). The spell card effect that comes with it is the fire based Helephant spell. I know that talents get mixed when you combine the two but what about mixing more of the spell effects too? There is a Life version of the Helephant spell (Bronze Helephant) has one as well as the Jadi Oni (boss). So many of the spells have the version of the spell cast by bosses. Would it be possible to get more of a crossover with the spells too? I think it would add a whole new aspect to hybrid pets that wasn't there before. And I'm aware that some pets already have this just not most (from what I've seen). Just a thought.
I think i know where you're going w/ this. Like Ice HOund when yu mix collosus and othrus, it gives you Ice Hound spell ami correct?
That's right. Especially, when an animal looks the part the spell should match. I know I look at the Jade Oni, for instance, which looks just like the life boss. Somehow it was a balance pet and for awhile there it had myth abilities (soon to be changed with the patch from the test server). It also cast helephant (a fire spell). Yet the boss cast a life version of that spell (looks slightly different). Makes sense that in that instance it should be life based. But there are several hybrids though (Jade Oni not being one) that look the part of their name (Life, Death, Storm, etc.) that have the generic wizard version of the spell. I've seen Stormzilla spell in other flavors (fire, ice?, etc). The graphics are already there. There would be a code change for those creatures to more accurately match the way they look and their naming convention (Frostzilla).
What they should do is that if you get a forest oni it should give a helephant card, but it's a life version. If you got a Storm Dance, for example, it should give a satyr spell but it does storm damage, not healing.
I think there could be more variation in the Hybrids for Helephant and Hydra. The only difference between the originals (Helephant and Hydra) is their color. Of course that holds true for most Hybrids but for these two color just isn't enough. Some suggestions to correct the problem are:
- Forest Oni (resembelence is to close to Jade Oni), let leafs trail behind it, smoldering as if they are on fire.
- Death Oni, missing eyeballs aside, if they removed chunks of flesh to reveal bone or give it features that suggest decay then that would be suitable.
- Plague Oni, give this version an auro of sickness such as a cloud of toxins eminating from it. That would be cool.
- Ice Oni, it should be more transparant to resemble ice. Not solid as it is. Make it shinier like ice usually is.
- War Oni, I would suggest slimming it down and making it more muscular. Turn it's tusks into mini-guns or cannons that shoot at times for effect
- Maelstrom Oni, give this Oni some electricity that crackles on the surface. Or, instead of having it walk around, let it ride a little cloud that shoots lightning and pours rain.
All in all, the Hybrids need work. They all look to similar to the originals and this holds true to all lvl. 48 pets. It would be nice to get a Hybrid with a different physical appearance from the Original pets.
As for the spells, if I had an Ice Oni and I played the card that comes with it at birth (Helephant) then why can't the spell I play resemble my Ice Oni and not my Helephant? KI made a varient of Colossus spell (Fire and Life), why not do that with the other pets?