Hello , fellow wizards! I am here to talk about a mysterious Krokotopian Pet , the Krok. Well , sense it is a secret , it is rather are. I am here to go through I step-by-step way to obtain the secret pet. Sadly , you need membership :( or a friend with acess to Krokotopia that you can teleport to ;) 1) Go to Ravenwood. 2) Enter the Spiral Door in Bartleby 3) Interact with the Spiral Door and select Krokootopia. 4) Go to the Krokotopia secret teleporter key stone (It is located between the Krokotopia Ring and Amulette Shop and the Robe and Deck shop) 5) Notice the two pillars next to them. If not all 5 dots are glowing red , the keystone is not working. If this is so , switch realms (Got to your spell book , click options , got to realms , and click on a realm. Then click "Go To Realm" 6) Wait. 7) If the keystones pillars STILL aren't working , repeat. 8) When it finnaly works , use it to teleport to Krokotopias secret shop and enter. 9) There you can buy the Krok , Krokotopia's Secret Pet , for the easy price of 1846 gold coins. You can also buy some hats , athames , and decks.
I hope this was helpful. Thanks for reading , and good luck! :)
"Myth spells are imagination. The pain that comes from them are real" Valdus Dusk Lvl. 27 Adept Conjurer
Not everyone does. New people join every day, and takes them awhile. I played for awhile before I figured it out. Thanks Valdus for posting this to let new wizards know.
Not everyone does. New people join every day, and takes them awhile. I played for awhile before I figured it out. Thanks Valdus for posting this to let new wizards know.
New players don't know much about the game at all when they first play.
Not everyone does. New people join every day, and takes them awhile. I played for awhile before I figured it out. Thanks Valdus for posting this to let new wizards know.
New players don't know much about the game at all when they first play.