Hello there, I have a very strong point to bring to discussion.
The other day I was fighting an enemy and a Death Wizard came to help me. (The enemy was also Death). I used an Absorb to protect myself from attacks and I noticed that when the enemy used a Drain Spell on me the Absorb didn't worked.
I said to myself "Well, since Absorb is 'Absorb 400 Attack' and the Vampire is a 'Drain' spell and not an 'Attack' spell my Absorb shield didn't worked.
But then my friend used a Feint on the enemy. Then he used a Wraith on it and he was able to use the Feint that he casted.
The description of the Feint says "70% ATTACK for enemy and 30% attack for self".
If Drain spell can use the Feint why can't the Absorb block them?
I think it is really unfair that they can have an excuse for saying "Absorb is an attack and my spell is a Drain" but when it comes to Feint being a Drain attack doesn't matter?