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Crowns for talents

Nov 12, 2010
I would really like to see the ability added to the game reverse the last earned talent for crowns. I don't actually care at the amount of crowns needed to do this, but i woulds suggest a scale based upon the age of the pet and without a guarantee as to the ability gained.

An example could be:

Teen = 300 crowns to have another change at a skill (not guaranteed)
Adult = 800 crowns as above
Ancient = 2000 crowns as above
Epic = 5000 crowns as above

This could make it so that if you got an undesired skill on your pet (or a selfish one) you could pay to retrain it to have a different one randomized amoung the talents still available.

This in my opinion wouldn't' hurt the crowns shop in the least, and would even add greatly to the coffers taken in by KI.

Aug 28, 2010
Tommknocker wrote:
I would really like to see the ability added to the game reverse the last earned talent for crowns. I don't actually care at the amount of crowns needed to do this, but i woulds suggest a scale based upon the age of the pet and without a guarantee as to the ability gained.

An example could be:

Teen = 300 crowns to have another change at a skill (not guaranteed)
Adult = 800 crowns as above
Ancient = 2000 crowns as above
Epic = 5000 crowns as above

This could make it so that if you got an undesired skill on your pet (or a selfish one) you could pay to retrain it to have a different one randomized amoung the talents still available.

This in my opinion wouldn't' hurt the crowns shop in the least, and would even add greatly to the coffers taken in by KI.

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I agree completely, this would help a lot it several different areas. For the People that just give up and quit breeding, this would be a great option.
Breeding pets is completely random in their talents, you never know what they are going to get until you have invested a good deal of time in the game and feeding cards. This would save those from wasting a huge amount of time, and allow them to get something that could be more useful.

Second, it would allow you to take a Pet Death dog (for example the one you get in the $40 gift card) and get rid of the death options that will do your Fire, Myth, Life, or Ice wizard no good.

I have tried over four times for an Ice Hound with no luck. When I purchased the $40 gift card and got a dog, I thought great, but it's a Death dog. Why not have a dog with talents that would help all the wizards.
But this idea listed above would help everyone, and would not affect the Rare pets that people have to any degree.

I have seen several other post that have idea's, but none with this idea, it's great. KI, please take the time to consider this idea or something close.

Joseph Lionhunter.

Nov 12, 2010
Thank you for supporting this idea, but as of this time i too have given up on trying to hatch (or train) a more useful pet. I have as of today bought 2 Sea Dragons (that are suppose to have the ability to do spritely) and both seem content to only give me pierce in one form or another. Without the ability to try re-training them they are just a cash (crown) drain.

I have spent all afternoon asking players to hatch in order to give him one of them a chance, although rare, of getting this skill, but it seems if you are not offering a hybrid nobody wants to hatch.

I guess KI is happy though as they got my money.

If anyone is interested my first Sea Dragon has Spell Proof and Pain Giver (both of which are quite handy) but also have pierce and piercemonger (these two are VERY condition appropriate) and i have only used them once to remove a tower shield.

My second Dragon developed pierce as his teen and i haven't bothered to train him further.

I am not sure if you can hatch 2 adults without a wanted talent and get it, but i am at this time unwilling to spend another 3 months of my life finding out.

Thanks for listening

Jun 30, 2009
dude great idea but to make it more fair so you cant pick the best talent right off the bat. how about since there are four levels of talent gaining why not make all the pets talents into four groups like the ones that are least valuable you could pick from at teen then next least at adult then getting better and so on so that way you have a pet complettly helpful to you i would love that because my one dream pet is a helephant with fire boost accuracy spirtually and resist to all schools now that there is a fire pet worthy of GODS my people i say GODS so i would love to see this added i knwo it woulr make loads of people more happy and bring in mroe cash for KI it a win win situation

Jack Dragonbreath (Lord of the Flames)

Jul 04, 2010
Specially when you consider one time gain or rare/hard to get pets. I was and still am extremely disappointed my pet wraith only got pips o'plenty as her only usefull talent. Granted she's only ancient, but with the talents she has now taking her (Katie) up to epic is not going to happen.

Jun 09, 2009
Jun 04, 2010
Tommknocker wrote:
Thank you for supporting this idea, but as of this time i too have given up on trying to hatch (or train) a more useful pet. I have as of today bought 2 Sea Dragons (that are suppose to have the ability to do spritely) and both seem content to only give me pierce in one form or another. Without the ability to try re-training them they are just a cash (crown) drain.

I have spent all afternoon asking players to hatch in order to give him one of them a chance, although rare, of getting this skill, but it seems if you are not offering a hybrid nobody wants to hatch.

I guess KI is happy though as they got my money.

If anyone is interested my first Sea Dragon has Spell Proof and Pain Giver (both of which are quite handy) but also have pierce and piercemonger (these two are VERY condition appropriate) and i have only used them once to remove a tower shield.

My second Dragon developed pierce as his teen and i haven't bothered to train him further.

I am not sure if you can hatch 2 adults without a wanted talent and get it, but i am at this time unwilling to spend another 3 months of my life finding out.

Thanks for listening

i have a sea dragon:
sharp shot
health gift
tower shield
wanna hatch sometime?

Aug 10, 2010
Just to let you know, I have had a hatched pet get a talent that neither parent had developed, but was present in both parent's petnome, so it can happen.

I suggested a while ago that we should be able to buy our pets full pedigree, with the undeveloped talents labeled but greyed out. It would be a great help for those of us with 2nd, 3rd or even 4th generation pets.

You're not the first person who has suggested being able to reset your pets talents. It has also been suggested before that maybe we could actually "buy" talents from each parent. Talents with more "pips" cost more.

Maybe if someone can prove that it makes PvP more fair to do these things, they would be considered.

Sep 26, 2009
lol i would hatch with you,

i got a fierce hound and a starfish, both have spritely, starfish is adult and fierce hound(death hound form 40$ card) is epic.

:) ill be on friday night and try to find a time if you wanna hatch.

Jul 04, 2010
Angelocean wrote:
This would totally destroy the reason behind the pet pavilion.

How so? We'd still have to train them in the first place?

Plus, I can't really replace my wraith or get a new one. I suppose I could try to convince someone with a wraith with good talents to hatch with mine. Or try to hatch my fierce hound with my wraith and hope that I get a wraith with my fierce hounds talents but expect a fierce hound with my weak wraith stats.

I'd like to have a wraith with death giver, spiritely and a wraith card that I can hatch with a ghast or satyr so i can have ghast.

Nov 12, 2010
random1self wrote:
Angelocean wrote:
This would totally destroy the reason behind the pet pavilion.

How so? We'd still have to train them in the first place?

Plus, I can't really replace my wraith or get a new one. I suppose I could try to convince someone with a wraith with good talents to hatch with mine. Or try to hatch my fierce hound with my wraith and hope that I get a wraith with my fierce hounds talents but expect a fierce hound with my weak wraith stats.

I'd like to have a wraith with death giver, spiritely and a wraith card that I can hatch with a ghast or satyr so i can have ghast.

I would also like to add to the previous good points that in order to get a hybrid you would still need the pet pavilion. My idea was not to remove something from the game for the people that enjoy the current functionality, but to allow those of us that have researched our pets to be able to get the talents we desire the most.

To all those interested in hatching with me my character's name is Gabriel Lifegiver and my pet's name is Lucky (i was hoping), if i have the coin and the slot free i will consider your kind offers.

Jun 09, 2009
random1self wrote:
Angelocean wrote:
This would totally destroy the reason behind the pet pavilion.

How so? We'd still have to train them in the first place?

Plus, I can't really replace my wraith or get a new one. I suppose I could try to convince someone with a wraith with good talents to hatch with mine. Or try to hatch my fierce hound with my wraith and hope that I get a wraith with my fierce hounds talents but expect a fierce hound with my weak wraith stats.

I'd like to have a wraith with death giver, spiritely and a wraith card that I can hatch with a ghast or satyr so i can have ghast.

The pet pavilion was designed to train your pets and to hatch to get better stats. Not just train one pet to epic then change skills cause you don't like the ones your pet has.

Nov 12, 2010
Angelocean wrote:
The pet pavilion was designed to train your pets and to hatch to get better stats. Not just train one pet to epic then change skills cause you don't like the ones your pet has.

And there is the rub, why would anyone train a pet to epic if they have even one trait that they don't desire?

With my method most pets would become useful again and not just become another member of a zoo for the player.

And after re-reading my original post i will add that in order to retrain you should only have the ability to do so only after you have gained a new trait. Thus, if you have an epic you could not retrain all the skills, but, have to retrain as you level.

Jun 23, 2010
I wish we could cash crowns to change our pet talents. because my pets always give + 50 agility and other per abilities. i wish they would leet us I:.

May 04, 2010