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account question

Dec 15, 2010
I read this thread


But I already did this before I read it. I wanna make sure my account isn't going to be banned because I logged in on two different computers. I didn't tell my password to anyone. Only I know it. My internet kept disconnecting when I was doing a dungeon so I downloaded the game on my other computer. It wouldn't work though cuz it kept saying I couldn't go into marleybone. I also wanna know why that is. If I want to play the game on a different computer, do I have to create an all new account?

Young Wizard, just like the original post stated, a single account cannot be logged into more than once at a time.

If you are logged in to your Wizard on one computer, and you try to log into that account on another computer, your character will be knocked offline.

1 account = 1 logged in character at a time.

If you would like to play on two computers at once, you will need separate logins and passwords, which yes, means a new account.

Existing characters CAN be transferred between accounts (see this link for more info on that: https://www.wizard101.com/posts/list/16444.ftl ) and FAMILY of ACCOUNTS pricing is lower than single account pricing. (see https://www.wizard101.com/game/buy for info)
