I want you to tell me about something funny that has happened to you in a battle. Like, once when i was casting a collosus, the screen was low to the ground and a red wisp went right by, covering most of the screen! and another time i had two pet collosuses right beside me!
Lol, well, once, I was fighing a couple of, well, easier to say it, Ninja Pigs. in Mooshu. I started to battle them when suddenly, a couple of Ninja Pigs stopped on the Battle Area. I casted Phoenix and it looked like they were warming themselves againist the Phoenix.. LOL
Its got to be the stuff that happens from a lucky cast of the Beguile spell. In a four on one dungeon I was about to flee a hopeless cause when I chanced a Beguile spell against the last NPC in the spell casting order.
His spell was the first time I had seen a Frost Giant, it damages everybody and evidently stuns for 1 round ... ALL of it against THEM, not me. It must have ticked off the AI pretty bad ... all three of his buddies cast huge spells at that now pip-less guy and a couple of them had to be damage all enemies spells because for the next two rounds the mobs annihilated each other while I healed, trapped and bladed. It was hilarious to watch.
I was left with a seriously damaged, pip-less boss and a very easy time of it.
Beguile is worthless MOST of the time, but when it works ... it is priceless!
Funny how Wizard101 resembles golf sometimes ... You shoot a triple bogey day and all you remember is that 1 perfect 4-iron that flew straight and true and settled magically 2 feet from the hole ... (we won't talk about the three putt for bogie ... ;)