We have been seeing a ton of posts centering around player behaviors. The typical post involves a certain level of player doing something like name calling, porting into a higher level world, breaking shields etc. Then the poster goes on to generalize all wizards of this level are mean, noobs etc.
I suggest to everyone posting this stuff it is NOT the wizard. Wizards are merely pixels on a screen. They have NO personality. They just sit there.
Their personality comes from the human controlling them. All the above behaviors are bad human behaviors. In this game you deal with every personality under the sun. Our behaviors good and bad shine through.
If the behavior is reportable. Report it. "We ask that you use the reporting feature to identify truly egregious behavior, such as creative profanity (swearing around the filters), solicitation of usernames/passwords, predatory threats, racist comments and other such actions as outlined in the Terms of Use.
If it is not ignore it and move on. I just don't get why having a total stranger call you name bothers you. My friend and I have had it happen. We just ignore the person and switch realms. "Because false reporting can be construed and/or used as harassment of other players, we’d like to take a moment to ensure you are aware of what does NOT fall under the category of a reportable offense:
“S/he falsely reported me” or reporting someone for false reporting (2 wrongs don’t make a right)
“Won’t leave my house” (pick your friends wisely and avail yourself of the non-porting option)
“Being rude” (We’re sorry, we can’t enforce good manners. Use the ignore button liberally &/or change realms. It’s wholly up to you to choose to stay around someone that’s not nice to you.)
“Chain Stunning” (admittedly, it’s not much fun for the receiving team, but it’s not a violation of the game rules).
“Scamming” (KingsIsle will NEVER ask for treasure card(s) in exchange for a code. Trading “cards for codes” is done at the players’ own risk. Codes are either fully public or one time use)
“Spamming” (Although the Terms of Use mention spamming, it’s related to email/web posts. Yeah, it’s annoying in game and never of profound statement. Refer to “Being Rude”)."
My favorite lines in the what is not a reportable offense are "Use the ignore button liberally &/or change realms. It’s wholly up to you to choose to stay around someone that’s not nice to you."
All the posts really do nothing but foster ill will amongst players. You can't control or change another persons behavior.