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To tech admin of 101.... question

Jul 29, 2009
When you shut down for your maintainence,
what exactly are you doing????
Just curious, cause it seem as if for some reason
when I play in CL the movement of my wizard skips more
than anywhere else in the game....
When I say skip, What I mean to say is it seems
to have a lag time and when moving around it skips and
is not smooth.
I have checked and rechecked my settings and connection
and as for as I can tell nothing has changed on my end...


Aug 21, 2009
you might have virus running in your background that you don't know about as they can hide themselves very well anymore

Jun 09, 2009
Maitenence for most games means they check for bugs, update the systems, look for any errors in coding.

May 19, 2010
For the most part of the maintance all they're doing is restarting the entire network as to refresh the ram and virtual memory. its quite common to be forced to restart a network, as heavy loaded as this one is, often due to the strain on the computers, it also lets them have a break and cool as cooling systems can only do so much.

gimme a break, gimme a break, break me off a piece of that kit-kat bar. :P