I have six wizards in my account. I have four that I use and one for each of my sons. Is there a way that I can be logged in to my account and one or both of my sons being logged in without being logged out. Sometimes when I'm playing I get logged off because one of my sons log in because they don't know that I'm already logged in.
You can't have two wizards from the same username/account online at the same time. You'd need to create another account or accounts. Since wizard transfers from one account to another aren't allowed unless both accounts have been subscribed for at least a year, the new accounts would probably need to start new wizards, and of course each account has to be paid for if subscription features are desired.
I could be wrong, but - while the Family Account would be cheaper than 3 Individual account - you'd still be required to have a subscription account for each player that is going to be on at the same time (i.e. 3, in your case).
The Family Account, from what I've read of it, is more of a "grouping" of multiple accounts and offers (a) a cheaper rate per account and (b) more control - by the master account (yours) - of the sub-accounts (your kids).
If you got a family account and then requested your character be seperated over the problem would then be fixed. Wizard101 staff would have to be contacted to move it over as such.
Creating a family account would solve your problem, as according to prior posts KI has stated that only one wizard on an account can be played at a time. KI should be able to assist in creation of new accounts for your sons and transfer of their wizards if you message them directly and explain your situation.
I have six wizards in my account. I have four that I use and one for each of my sons. Is there a way that I can be logged in to my account and one or both of my sons being logged in without being logged out. Sometimes when I'm playing I get logged off because one of my sons log in because they don't know that I'm already logged in.
Would a FAMILY ACCOUNT fix this problem?
Sorry, the answer is no. You will need separate accounts so that you are able to play at the same time as your son(s). Only one person at a time is able to log into an account (as you already know by what you have stated).
The Family Account will allow you to have a number of accounts under a master, or parent, account. This will allow you to control the use of crowns and settings for the other sub, or child accounts. It also allows for a better monthly rate for subscriptions.
The Family Account will not allow you to have multiple players playing on the same account at the same time.
For more information on Family Accounts – go to Help & Support –> Contact Support –> search "Family Account" and it should be the first topic (and there are pictures too!!).
This question has been asked before and no, you can not do so, as well a family account just means a group of accounts the family uses, doing so gets you a discount of subscription is all though
No, only one person can be logged into the account at a time. Infact I belive it's against the EULA to share account information with others.
It is okay for family members to do this. I checked with KI. My kids and I share one account. They don't want you giving the info to non-family members.