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Gift cards you can't get

Mar 01, 2009
I went to GameStop to purchase 3 of new epic bundle gift cards and guess what, they don't have them. Now there will be disappointed kids at Christmas because the local stores don't have them and you can't buy them online. Wizards is losing money because of this, it would be nice to be able to purchase gift cards online somewhere so you don't lose out. Disappointed.

Sep 11, 2010
It's not Kingsisle that distributes the Epic Bundle Card, or any other cards. It is a secondary distributor, who is also in charge of how many cards gets sent where. Kingsisle does little more than accept the codes from said cards.

But, yes, I do miss an online option for gift cards (and NOT Gift Certificate - we're talking about the spiffy cards that gives limited edition pets, houses, mounts and stuff like that); my only guess is that the online option is lacking in order to avoid children going crazy with their parents' credit cards and buying sixteen game cards for themselves...

Mar 01, 2009
There is a place in your account where you can set a password to block kids from using your credit card. I just wish KingsIsle would have something online that everyone can access so they don't miss out on special things that are only offered at certain stores. Gamestop and EB Games don't have any place where you can order these epic cards. :(

Feb 14, 2009
phoenixburner wrote:
I went to GameStop to purchase 3 of new epic bundle gift cards and guess what, they don't have them. Now there will be disappointed kids at Christmas because the local stores don't have them and you can't buy them online. Wizards is losing money because of this, it would be nice to be able to purchase gift cards online somewhere so you don't lose out. Disappointed.

well, i just got one at my local gamestop and ( yes i only got one ) but there was TONS left, so whacha complaining bout? idk why yours ran out. probaly ther are getting a restock ( plaese! ) i guess dont worry. k?

grace emeraldblood

Mar 01, 2009
Well Grace, IDK where U live but the 3 Gamestops where I live never had them and don't forsee them anytime in the future. So think before you reply please. :D

Dec 10, 2009
What you could try, since there is still time, is to use Gamestop's website Store Locator and start calling. It might be necessary to use neighboring zip codes in order to expand your search radius. Eventually, you'll locate a store that carrys them.

At that point, you talk to the store manager and see if they are willing to transfer the 3 cards to your local store. Or perhaps you can purchase them over the phone and they will mail it to you. If he isn't willing to work with you, hang up and try another store, etc.