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Is this guys using me?

Aug 14, 2009
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

Jun 04, 2010
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

By my standards, yes. But you're enabling him. There are a lot of people in the game who do that. They want to win, but they don't want to put the time into figuring out how to do most of it themselves. I have a few friends who were like that with me but you have to just start telling them no, or explain that you're busy. You pay your fee to be entertained, not to entertain others. If having a candid conversation with him doesn't work, then just remove him and move on.

May 30, 2009
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

Ah, you seem to have encountered a leech-noob. They tend to attach themselves to a naturally kind-hearted person and suck the life out of you with their requests for help. He's most likely using you and he will not stop asking for help unless you tell him to stop. Usually if I notice someone is asking for help repeatedly in easy dungeons (and does not return the favor), a simple "I'm busy" the next couple of times they ask will stop them from asking again.

Feb 09, 2009
I mean no offense, but I don't know what's worse: the fact that you can't see this guy is clearly using you, or the fact that he's been bossing you around like this and you keep helping him. This is the textbook description of being used. Take that loser off your friends list immediately and never take that kind of silliness from anyone else. There are well over a million players in Wizard101; do not deal with people like that.

Oct 09, 2010
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

I don't know if he IS using you, number 1 and 2 are pretty reasonable. So I guess he KIND OF is.

Feb 28, 2009
Yes, he is. He isn't interested in being your friend at all, he's simply looking for a pushover who will make his life easier. I've been playing for over a year and have dealt with tons of people like this, the best solution would be to delete him from your friends list.

Hopefully this helps you, sincerely

Christo Hexcaster
Legendary Sorcerer

Dec 19, 2008
Tell Him no and no and no and he will stop talking to you and if he does delete him

Feb 17, 2009
Yeah this happens allot. He is probably a younger player. He is mostly using you, but because he is younger he probably isn't seeing that he is using you, and maybe you are his only friend that will help him so he only asks you.

This has happened to me too. A way to slow this down is too help him less and less.

If it gets too out of control you can always remove him.

Thomas Swiftthistle, Legendary Ice

Sep 19, 2010
Sounds that way to me. :(

Friendship is helping each other, hanging out together, having fun. What you described sounds more like being a minion he can summon to fight for him.

Mar 29, 2010
you are being used do not let someone do that to you here are a few of my suggestions on how to deal with this problem
1. Leave him on your friends list and learn to say no sometimes when he asks for help
2. Leave him on your friends list and tell him to stop asking for help every other second and not get mad when you have to go
3. Tell him that he asked you for help and should put as much effort into battle as you which means sharing the going first job
4. Take him off your friends list and ignore him if you feel it is a major problem and holding you back
but yea you are being totally used dont let your mana go to waste

May 22, 2009
LOL. People like that do not stay on my friend's list. All the people on my list only ask for help after being defeated several times with a boss. They also understand if i am busy and cannot help in a dungeon. As for who goes first, we only discuss that on a super hard boss. I can count on almost all of them when i need help. It sounds like your new friend is the type to keep asking for help, but when the time comes when YOU need the help, he will not want to help. Save yourself the frustration and delete him now.

Hannah Lifebringer Level 60 Life

May 17, 2009
If he's not talking to you or asking if you need any help then he most likely is, best way to find out is to tell him you need help if he doesn't come its best just to delete him from your friends list.

Sep 11, 2010
Sounds like he's merely using you. He also seems quite rude; in that he's not even trying anything on his own and protesting violently when you have to leave for whatever reason. I would ignore him for a day or two, and then check back to see if he's progressed at all on his own.

Which, yes, means that you have to tell him off when he begs you to come and help him.

I wouldn't be entirely surprised if he deletes you after a day or so of being denied a personal slave to walk him through his quests...

Community Leader
This is a very hard question to answer. The best way is to say if you feel this player is doing you wrong just remove him/her. The way I see all this is if someone asks me for help I first say , try it first then if you still cannot I will help. I had one player say they will and then a few minute later said ok I did and die the person never left their dorm room. O.o. Most of the time Players will try though and many have come back after they did and said you were right I can do it, I simply smile :). There are always good and bad in online gaming it is up to you to pick who is on your fiends list.

I hope this helps some.

Mar 18, 2010
Does he ever help you?

Sounds to me like it is very one sided.

I have needed quite a bit of help in the game, especially Celestia. All of my friends know if they are busy I will wait. They just tell me.

I am more than happy to help them. It is the least I can do to repay their kindness helping me.

I have finally come to the point if I feel I am being used I ignore the person.


Aug 23, 2009
. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

well it depends if he is a beginer its kinda understandible but if he is like 15+ he is probally using you and if he is tell him to stop and if doesnt then just remove him and go on with the fun game :-) ( dont let him get in the way from you having fun :) )

Aug 14, 2009
Thank you guys, the dude that was using me ACTUALLY admitted it and I deleted him. btw, I will answer some of your question and replies.

@firefan02, No, he never helped me, i asked him and no reply back
@blacktigerwolf yes, i'm saving up my mana
@brytenshynee ya, when i read your post, i agreed with you, I have friends who I help and they help me also or the other way around
@eioofh He noticed it, he even admitted using me when i deleted him
@AkihiroHattori5, I did notice it, but I wasnt sure so I wanted to ask. Also, I didnt help him all the time, I told him to do the dungeon himself, then he messages me saying "nvm, i already got a friend to help me"
@gtarhannon I did tell him no a few times.

Sep 20, 2009
dream2dust wrote:
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

Ah, you seem to have encountered a leech-noob. They tend to attach themselves to a naturally kind-hearted person and suck the life out of you with their requests for help. He's most likely using you and he will not stop asking for help unless you tell him to stop. Usually if I notice someone is asking for help repeatedly in easy dungeons (and does not return the favor), a simple "I'm busy" the next couple of times they ask will stop them from asking again.

As I am a person of fare. I believe that this "noob" thing should be cleared out. I have posted many posts already about people calling Level 30 and below noobs. It's unfair to make fun of somebody, its called Discrimination. I won't stand this type of thing when there is already enough destruction in the world. Its unfair and its like making fun of somebody. How would you like it if somebody called you noob? You were once a lower level yourself so dont make fun of them. And if he doesnt help you back and it sounds like he is annoying you, so i would think about just telling him, Plz Stop Asking me To Help You Because I have My own Quests. And if he gets angry and starts scolding you leave and delete him cause then he is just being rude. Guess this should help. Have Fun

Jul 27, 2009
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

just delete him next time you are together and go to a different realm.

he will just ruin your funtime and never learn how to play the game.

Feb 18, 2010
dream2dust wrote:
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

Ah, you seem to have encountered a leech-noob. They tend to attach themselves to a naturally kind-hearted person and suck the life out of you with their requests for help. He's most likely using you and he will not stop asking for help unless you tell him to stop. Usually if I notice someone is asking for help repeatedly in easy dungeons (and does not return the favor), a simple "I'm busy" the next couple of times they ask will stop them from asking again.

i agree. some people are just too lazy to deal with bosses and dungeons by themselves, or just want to use you to defeat bosses. i really hate it when people do that. and just wondering, is leech-noob going to be the official term for ppl like that?

Feb 18, 2010
UGH I HATE PEOPLE WHO CONSTANTLY ASK YOU FOR HELP!!!!!!!!! its SO infuriating! they dont even try, or are to scared to. if you think anyone is using you to get what they want and what they want only, remove them from your friends list or better yet, ignore them. they could still pester you even if you remove them. LEECH-NOOBS, as one person called them, are a waste of time and energy on this game. if your too lazy to fight on your own, then get off. i would remove the guy who keeps asking you for help, person who posted the problem. and be wary of people who keep asking you for help. thats my opinion and advice, hope you listen!

May 30, 2009
DouDou123 wrote:
dream2dust wrote:
Firefrog16 wrote:
Hello people, I met this person yesterday. He seemed pretty cool and all, then now he is asking me to help him defeat almost every boss he comes by. This is why I think he is using me:

1. He constantly asks me for help.

2. He never tries the dungeons humself, I keep telling him, but he is like NO WAY, THERE TOO HARD.

3. He never talks to me except when he asks for help

4. He always begs whenever I have to go. I had to go eat dinner earlier so I told him that i had to go eat dinner, then he yells "NO, plz".

5. He never wants to go first whenever I help him. I always tell him "I went first last time, so go first" He is like "UGH", then goes.

i'm not for sure if he is using me, so can you tell me if he is?

Ah, you seem to have encountered a leech-noob. They tend to attach themselves to a naturally kind-hearted person and suck the life out of you with their requests for help. He's most likely using you and he will not stop asking for help unless you tell him to stop. Usually if I notice someone is asking for help repeatedly in easy dungeons (and does not return the favor), a simple "I'm busy" the next couple of times they ask will stop them from asking again.

As I am a person of fare. I believe that this "noob" thing should be cleared out. I have posted many posts already about people calling Level 30 and below noobs. It's unfair to make fun of somebody, its called Discrimination. I won't stand this type of thing when there is already enough destruction in the world. Its unfair and its like making fun of somebody. How would you like it if somebody called you noob? You were once a lower level yourself so dont make fun of them. And if he doesnt help you back and it sounds like he is annoying you, so i would think about just telling him, Plz Stop Asking me To Help You Because I have My own Quests. And if he gets angry and starts scolding you leave and delete him cause then he is just being rude. Guess this should help. Have Fun

I wasn't making fun of someone who was new to the game. I was referring to a person who constantly asks for help (without returning the favor) even if they're a high enough level and have the means of doing it themselves. In other words, they're acting as if they're new to the game (a noob or newbie) when they're not and use other people for their own benefit (a leech).

May 30, 2009
kaleeraisen wrote:
and just wondering, is leech-noob going to be the official term for ppl like that?

No, because I seemed to have unintentionally offended DouDou123 with my made-up term. :? Sorry to anyone else who may have been offended as well.

Sep 19, 2010
This is kinda funny... that exact thing happened to me too, only a bit different. When I started a Life Wizard, this one guy added me, at first he seemed nice... then he became mean and grumpy. Whenever he had to fight some monster that only he could fight, he told me "You have to stay outside the tower and wait for me or else I'll delete you!" So eventually I got ticked off and nearly screamed louder than banshees... and deleted him!