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Friend Requests

Dec 10, 2008
Friend requests should not be allowed while someone is in battle this can cause people to miss a turn : /

Dec 12, 2008
Even though we have a time limit, it can make utilizing our time difficult if have to use some of it closing friend request windows.

So i agree with Dramakus

Dec 10, 2008
Also there should be a timer on how often someone can send a friend request to one person. It is rather annoying having to keep closing the same persons friend request over and over when they can't take a hint.

Dec 12, 2008
Yes, a timer would be nice and also a option setting to not receive friend requests. I'm not unfriendly, i just don't believe in spam and people use this to be malicious.

Dec 20, 2008

I'd also like to know a bit about someone before I accept a friend request. Is that even possible?

Autumn Mistsong

You can inspect a Wizard by clicking on them - this will open the Friends panel.

At the bottom of the Friends panel is a very small red circle with an arrow in it.

Click that circle to open the Character panel for the person you have selected. It will show you their school, level and other Traits.

At the top of that panel, where you see the word Traits in the scroll, are two arrows. They let you switch between the character's Traits and their Equipment. You can inspect all the items they are wearing.

Hope that helps!

Dec 20, 2008
Dec 22, 2008
Maybe, scripting the next update with a "turn off friend request," button for those of us who would actually do so? Rayne.

Dec 12, 2008
Plain and simple we just need a disable friends request setting. I've made it a rule of thumb to avoid Wizard City if and when possible now, because each time i go there it's like running the gauntlet. Decline after decline a lot resend and quite frequently. My view has changed on this quite a bit from my other posts. I don't know why people can't understand if i don't accept the first, second, or third time why i would accept the next five times.

Not to mention i have my own agenda, instead of explaining how to jump in this game. Which can actualy take quite a bit of time with certain people. An example would be tech support, you tell someone to press the start button and open the control panel, then they tell you their computer turned off. It can be frustrating because you have other things you need to do and your ten minute call turns into an hour long one. Its not just that i don't want to help anymore, i want to actualy play the game and not get spammed either in battle or otherwise with friend requests.

These are just a few examples as to why i think we need a disable friend request setting.

And while we're on the topic of disabling things I'd like to bring up mass and select user teleport refusal. I don't mind hanging out as much as the next person, but random friends teleporting in can complicate things in battle or otherwise. Lets say i'm in battle and have low health, well now little timmy ( not a real user ) decides to pop in and add more monsters to the battle unintentionaly. By now i've done most of an instance and die along with timmy and poof my instance restarts. Now little timmy is cool and all but that situation could have been avoided if i could disable teleports.

In short friend requests are annoying and can be used with malicious purposes, and teleports can be very inconvienent.

Don't get me wrong, yes people want to make friends. But I'm not going to water down the topic, with wanting to know more about someone. I just don't want deal with the issues that can simply be fixed. Such as not having to recieve friend requests, or random teleports.

Jul 31, 2008

Actually I agree with my friend Phill (I just hope I can find him and send him a friend request). Nah, just kidding.

Anyways, he is still right. I know that the creators had the best of intentions, and I am not saying that the friend option is a bad Idea. I just think we have to tweak with it a little so it works better. The friends are a necesarry part of this game, but we should be able to know them a little more before we can be friends. I for example find myself accepting some friends because they were good in one battle, then removing them because they are annoying.

If the purpose of the friends in this game is to help you beat bosses or quests only, then there should be some limitations on what they can do. For example, before they can teleport to you, they should have your permission.

Dec 12, 2008
Well i even so if the intentions were good for the friend request, there's another issue that's been getting to me. Ever so often i get that one evil friend request that right after receiving causes me to crash.

If you need info its very easy to reproduce. Just have some one stand in the head wizards place on a full server. And give the signal for the onslaught of friend requests. The newbies will gladly devour the poor soul.

On a side note i called in sick so i won't be able to do it