Today wasn't a good day for me, and i wish to say why. I was doing the safehouse in drake hatchery and i went with a person who had menu chat, which i was okay with. it was going well, and i was able to communicate with him in a way that i was able to boost without him using my traps (btw, thanks for having that in menu chat). Anyway, we were at the last floor and i died. I asked for a heal, but he couldn't. Okay, i was going to get a life henchman. The round i summoned her, he killed the enemy and i was left with nothing, and had to do the safehouse over again. This angered me, there was no way for me to tell him to just wait. Is it possible for kingsisle to add more options to menu chat, otherwise its very difficult even now to communicate with people with menu chat because the chat options arent very specific. Anyway, i am upset from this and i just wish to share this experience and see if anyone can relate.
I agree. I think it's a bummer that some important phrases that are musts for battle are left out. Maybe some additions to the Menu Chat could include: "Don't kill the enemy just yet" "Wait until I heal" "Can you buff me?"