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Feb 15, 2009
My new fire wizard just got heckhound and it's to weak. They need to make this spell allot of stronger.

Jun 04, 2010
bravevline wrote:
My new fire wizard just got heckhound and it's to weak. They need to make this spell allot of stronger.

Isn't it 120 damage per pip? At seven pips that does 840 base damage over three rounds. That's pretty substantial. Many classes never do that much damage per pip without lots of boosting and other tricks.

Jul 13, 2010
it's powerful, it's a level 18 spell, i was in pvp, opponent used hechound and i died.
Plus, you can add blades and traps (they only work on turn).

May 11, 2009
Apr 30, 2010
Way to weak? I beg to differ. With the right blades and traps heck hound can do over 2000 per round. Its my most powerful spell (And i am almost a legendary) I've one 9 out of 10 of my pvp matches because of heck hound. Making it any stronger just wouldn't be fair, its pretty much the best fire spell. It would be like making judgement do 200 per pip, which would so not be cool.

Jul 20, 2009
Sep 05, 2010
Sep 11, 2010
Heck Hounds are ridiculously strong for the level you obtain it at - however, unlike most other spells (Judgement being one of the few exceptions), it doesn't really show its potential until you've collected a fair amount of pips, and got a blade or three up to add to its damage.

And, well, if you happen to slap Monstrous or Gargantuan on top of it as well... Suffice to say that with proper work, Heck Hound is very, very dangerous - more so because it also happens to remove whatever fire and tower shields your opponent puts up, letting you add to the damage with normal spells on top of the damage Heck Hound inflicts.

Mar 16, 2010
Wow you think it is too weak WRONG! if you have seven pips (or power pips as fire) you can do A TON OF DAMAGE(with all power pips it does over 1000 each turn). Try it. It also said "130 each 3 rounds per pip". There.

Mar 03, 2010
Heckhound is SO AWESOME for a lvl 18 spell im lvl40 fire its still one of my favorite spells it once did over 1200 for me and then did the same amount on the next two rounds

Jan 24, 2010
My new fire wizard just got heckhound and it's to weak. They need to make this spell allot of stronger.

Heckhound is a damage per pip spell. Getting the most out of your ferocious fire hound requires patience and planning.

Try this: Build a full tray of pips. While you are waiting, add fire blade, fire trap, and any other boosts you have available to you. Cast the Heckhound and watch how much damage you do per round. Add the damage points together for the full damage hit of your Heckhound. Augment the damage by continuing to add fire traps, hex, and/or feint for 3 rounds.

My fire wizard can cast Heckhound, with a full tray of pips and moderate boost in my level 45 gear. The spell does around 1600 with 12 pips, and that's before blades and traps. You can easily double this damage with appropriate blades and traps. Add feint and Heckhound is absolutely devastating.

Iridian Shadowweaver, GM Theurgist
Rowan Earthsong, GM Sorceress and PVP Sergeant
Scarlet Ravensong, Master Pyromancer and PVP Veteran
Alexandrian Dreamwalker, Adept Conjuress
Moira Shadowmander, noob

Oct 24, 2010
i think heckhound is powerful also. because it was used on me and after they used i died because 120 per pip is good.

David Redspear

May 30, 2009
bravevline wrote:
My new fire wizard just got heckhound and it's to weak. They need to make this spell allot of stronger.

It is NOT weak at all. I soloed the Jade Oni on my Fire character and guess what spell I used to take him out? Heckhound of course! I mean, it can do more than Storm's Tempest (awesome!). It is an incredibly powerful spell if the person casting it is patient enough to wait for a decent amount of pips and boosts properly.

Jan 25, 2010
nijac wrote:
Today I made Heckhound do 1,018 damage for 3 ROUNDSS!!!!
It's not weak...

Dude -_-
With blades and feints and traps, I did a heck hound that added around...
9 000 damage after three rounds. The boss died after the second round and it added up to 6 000 but the damaging was 3 000 in total.

Jun 09, 2009
Igloogirl3 wrote:
nijac wrote:
Today I made Heckhound do 1,018 damage for 3 ROUNDSS!!!!
It's not weak...

Dude -_-
With blades and feints and traps, I did a heck hound that added around...
9 000 damage after three rounds. The boss died after the second round and it added up to 6 000 but the damaging was 3 000 in total.

He was making a point on how heckhound is not weak, don't try to be all gloaty.

Feb 09, 2009
"My new fire wizard just got heckhound and it's too weak. They need to make this spell a lot stronger." Why? You need to stop just saying things. No one's gonna take you seriously unless you prove your point.