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Custom Characters??

May 08, 2010

Destiny here! :D My friends and I on W101 were discussing what we could do to make the game better for all. One of my friends said she wanted to create more "custom" characters. I liked her ideas, so i will now share them with you guys!!
-have more hairstyles to choose from
-have a wider variety of colors for the beginner's clothes
-being able to MIX AND MATCH faces: eyes, noses, mouths to your own favorite. Woo!
If you agree or have any other ideas, please post!!!
Thank you, - Destiny

Feb 09, 2009
I don't think this will happen anytime soon since it would take so long to incorporate all this into Wizard101. The game would be down for at least a year; it would take months just to add more color choices.

Sep 11, 2010
More hairstyles would be really nice, as well as more faces. I don't think that the beginner's clothes needs more colours - they fit with how many you can choose from the dye shop, and, frankly, people only run around in their beginner's outfit for a short amount of time (after that, you switch to your school gear; which usually only has a limited amount of colours available).

But, yes, an ability to mix and match facial features would be awesome - though, in defence of Kingsisle, it would mean a LOT more information would have to be stored about each character, and it would not only take longer to load that, but you might also see people running around without eyes or mouths due to a glitch.

May 08, 2010
Bookshelvings wrote:
More hairstyles would be really nice, as well as more faces. I don't think that the beginner's clothes needs more colours - they fit with how many you can choose from the dye shop, and, frankly, people only run around in their beginner's outfit for a short amount of time (after that, you switch to your school gear; which usually only has a limited amount of colours available).

But, yes, an ability to mix and match facial features would be awesome - though, in defence of Kingsisle, it would mean a LOT more information would have to be stored about each character, and it would not only take longer to load that, but you might also see people running around without eyes or mouths due to a glitch.

wow, I never thought of it that way.