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Level 33 NOT in Marlybone

Jul 18, 2010
I am Mycin DragonHaven and i am not in marlybone! i did a dungeon in celestia that got me from level 30 to 33!
Is this a bad thing that some of my adept friends can get get there and i can't? i am more like olde Zeke, traveling and mainly fighting; so should i SERIOUSLY start questing?

cause i DO NOT know if i should

Mycin DragonHaven, Level 33 sorcerer

NOW: Legendary :-) thanks for your responses too! :-D 8)

Sep 19, 2010
Yes, you seriously should.

Unless you complete the quest progression in the game, you won't be getting the spell cards you're supposed to have after certain segments. You also won't be getting your level 48 spell without progressing normally through the Spiral. If you haven't unlocked the areas needed, it won't be assigned.

In short, if you don't follow the storyline with quests and just jump around for experience, you'll be a level 50 playing like a level 25.

Jul 18, 2010
Jul 20, 2009
I was about level 29 when I went to MB. You should start doing some quests in KT and finish it.

EDIT: I wish you good luck when you get into MarleyBone!

Jan 08, 2010
Calm down! The only way to go from world to world is questing! Not just any quests though. You must do the story quests, not side quests (well, do them but keep in mind, this won't unlock any worlds). This also the best way to level up. It's very good you are so highly leveled already, so, you will be very far ahead! Remember to have fun, and quest till your brain IMPLODES! :)

~Connor Mooncatcher

Jun 21, 2009
May 03, 2010

Getting into Marleybone is not based onlevel. You will need to complete a line of quests ending with the defeat of Krokopatra to get there.

Hope I could help,
Lenora MythMender, Lvl 49 Myth

Sep 22, 2010
Nov 17, 2010
I am level 31 and am also not in MB so I will take the advice of the people above me and quest since to just wander aimlessly alot.

Fiona FairyBreath
Level 31(not In Mb)

Apr 18, 2010
Dec 12, 2010
Firstly, Relax! and you have to finish Krokotopia and tht boss is Krokopatra she is relly hard but i had my bro Gavin RedHeart Lvl 31 Balance and Alexander LightGlade Lvl 50 myth wizard. what part of krok r u on? tomb of storms is where she is so complete krok Good Luck :D :D :D :D

Sep 12, 2010
maverick3415 wrote:
Firstly, Relax! and you have to finish Krokotopia and tht boss is Krokopatra she is relly hard but i had my bro Gavin RedHeart Lvl 31 Balance and Alexander LightGlade Lvl 50 myth wizard. what part of krok r u on? tomb of storms is where she is so complete krok Good Luck :D :D :D :D

If you want to get to tomb of storms you have to talk to shalek the wise and beat krokotep who will give you a gold scarab then talk to the balance profeser in krokotopia then the general guy at the oasis and then the purple mander good luck if you need help try to find me im hunter goust hunter i might be able to help

Sep 12, 2010
nijac wrote:
I was about level 29 when I went to MB. You should start doing some quests in KT and finish it.

EDIT: I wish you good luck when you get into MarleyBone!

I agree im only level 26 and im almost to mb because i folowed the story and and the story quests seem to give you more exp

Nov 19, 2010
Nov 20, 2010
DanMaster007 wrote:
I am Mycin DragonHaven and i am not in marlybone! i did a dungeon in celestia that got me from level 30 to 33!
Is this a bad thing that some of my adept friends can get get there and i can't? i am more like olde Zeke, traveling and mainly fighting; so should i SERIOUSLY start questing?

cause i DO NOT know if i should

Mycin DragonHaven, Level 33 sorcerer

NOW: lvl 47

Yes! It's really important to follow the storyline and do all of your quests so that when you're, say Level 60, you won't still be trying to do Marleybone.

Rachel RavenTalon, Level 33 (1 quest from 34!) Myth

Jun 10, 2009
That's weird I was level 23 when I went to Marleybone !

Mason Sandtamer level 25 balance wizard just finished Hyde Park.
Mess with me and you might find yourself eating sand for breakfast :D :-) :) :(

Feb 14, 2010
i am level 27 already in marleybone

but in my advice, i would take your time.

you really shouldn't be excited about marleybone.

ugh, big ben, kensington park,

now i'm lvl 29


Dec 05, 2010
I got into Marleybone a couple days ago. My character was on level 25. Was that a bit too early?

Apr 02, 2010
DavidStronghunter1... wrote:
only do quest in worlds that you have EARNED i hate when noobs go to cl
she can do what she wants its a game, its meant to have a good times. and people who call other people noobs are the real noobs, so don't call them that!!!!!

Nov 28, 2010
Ummm :? .... I am a level 31 and I started some missions in Chelsea Court. Am I behind???? Can someone tell me please??? Cause I like doing all missions available to me, so I level up quickly, soo if someone tells me I'm behind I will start catching up. Thanks! :D

Sep 05, 2010
flyrahie wrote:
Ummm :? .... I am a level 31 and I started some missions in Chelsea Court. Am I behind???? Can someone tell me please??? Cause I like doing all missions available to me, so I level up quickly, soo if someone tells me I'm behind I will start catching up. Thanks! :D

So where is krokopatra like what hall,cave,chamber, or what?I am on level 27. Should i be there in MB? :? :? :? :x :?

Mar 07, 2009
Nov 28, 2010
nathanielrfox wrote:
flyrahie wrote:
Ummm :? .... I am a level 31 and I started some missions in Chelsea Court. Am I behind???? Can someone tell me please??? Cause I like doing all missions available to me, so I level up quickly, soo if someone tells me I'm behind I will start catching up. Thanks! :D

So where is krokopatra like what hall,cave,chamber, or what?I am on level 27. Should i be there in MB? :? :? :? :x :?

She is in the Temple of Storms, the last place in Krokotopia. And no worries, I got out from Krok at lvl 28

Good Luck with all!

Benjamin Frostblood
Lvl 31 Diviner

May 16, 2009
DanMaster007 wrote:
Lol, well I lvled up too lvl 35, and i am not in mooshu lol
i'm level 36 and i'm in chelsea, more specififally the first boss

level 37 in katz lab now

Dec 31, 2010
Its like reading a book, if you start a story and then in the middle of it change books you won't move along in the first. Stop doing side quests and find your main storyline. I'm a level 30 and i just got into mooshu. I don't do many side quests. I save those for when i'm a level 60 and i have finnished celestia.

Kiera Dreamleaf lvl 30 diviner