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Houses Linking and add on lands

Mar 28, 2009
I thought it would be cool if we can combine all the houses we own into one.
The way this ideal would work is each house keep it item count as to how much can be set in it or around it. The bonus to this ideal would be instead of equping each house to put something up or remove you would just have to walk from one house to the other. Since all your houses would be link as one and you set where or how they are link like useing a bridge or by linking the land together. Also the portal door who become just one instead of haveing 3 portal doors you would just have one and you could put it anywhere on you land you wont it. Now the added land ideal i had would not count to you owning a new house it would be a piece of land that you can connet to you house to add extra look. I have thought it would be cool to have like a fair ground hook to my land like the one behind the headmaster building in the commons or have a small dungeon that you and your can go and fight monsters in and you would be the one to set up what monster there and only if you are ready defeat that monster too. I hope there other people out there that liking my ideal who know maybe if people like them ideals it will become so.
Hope to run in all one day in the game until
then good hunting and happy gaming