So as you all must know a new gift card for WIz101 is out. But i have a few questions. I ported to my friend in somebody's "castle". It was called the Massive Fantasy Castle. Is this the house given to you in the bundle? And i also saw some players with the Epic Clothing. I saw that it said Level 50 and up. Does this mean you HAVE to be at level 50 or above?? If so shouldn't it be like if i am a Level 34 Wizard, it gives just a little less stuff but is for Level 30 or above? I think this would be more fair to players. I hope you can answer my questions Procpector Zeek! I know your busy please reply though! P.S. The PvP dueling ring for the castle was a GREAT IDEA! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Professor Greyrose is right. I received the castle yesterday, and today I went to get the spear and clothing.
When you "accept" an item, first it shows you a list (about 6 choices), and it warns you to "choose wisely". For the spear and the clothing, you can choose an item for your current level (example, Level 30) or you can choose an item for a higher level that you can use later (example, Level 50).
I wasn't sure what I wanted right now, so I "cancelled" it and it put the items back in my red gift box that appears on the side of my screen. I'll go back later to "accept" them again when I know what I want for sure.