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Usa Accounts to Europe Wizard?

Sep 23, 2008
Hello Kingsisle :D
I've recently saw the announcement that Wizard 101 will come to europe, (I Know, it was announced about August) ...
Anyways, My question is: Will be available to players that are not in US , (Like Me) Import Their account to their closest region (Europe) ?
Cause i think, that the game is so great that players like me that live in Europe make all the necessary work to start playing this..
And for Promotions like "Epic Bundle", that are just available in US :( , could be available also in Europe, and that's just awesome !

I Hope, My question got answered

When Wizard101 opens new servers in Europe, players will have to register with the European servers and create a new Wizard.

Wizards cannot be transferred from the North American servers to the European servers, but we welcome you to continue to play your current characters on the North American servers.

Jan 21, 2010
I am American, but I just thought of a situation... You said that European players are free to continue playing on the North American servers.
If Europe gets gift cards, will they be able to apply them to accounts on North American servers?

I know that console games put regional locks on their game cartrages. An Australian game cartrage won't play on an American console, it should, but the regional chip prevents it.

I thought: When Wizard 101 get big enough in europe, they may release a European version of the epic game card over there. If European players are still using North American accounts, I hope they will be able to use the European cards on those North American accounts.

My fear is that American based wizard won't include European codes in their data base for the American redeem page. If you do, how will you keep people with accounts on both North American and European servers from using the same gift card on both?

I feel it is better to know sooner than later.