Well, my computer I use to play Wizard101 has died :( and this makes Zoromon a very sad panda........
And since you are wondering, I am typing this on my parent's Mac.........which doesn't have windows....... So go on and play while I am suffering from W101 withdrawal.
Well, my computer I use to play Wizard101 has died :( and this makes Zoromon a very sad panda........
And since you are wondering, I am typing this on my parent's Mac.........which doesn't have windows....... So go on and play while I am suffering from W101 withdrawal.
This ever happen to anyone else?
If you do a search on the message boards, you will see that there are MANY posts about this.
I recently posted one under "Halston's Lab", and Professor Greyrose was nice enough to provide this link to set up for playing Wizard101 on a Mac:
Wow, that's terrible! Try looking in Halston's Lab for an answer. That's where all the topics on computer problems are discussed. There are bound to be some threads on this kind of problem.
When I got my macbook, I really wanted to play Wizard with my son. We had never played at the same time. I tried Crossover Games from Codeweavers. They have a list of games that run very well, run poorly, not at all, and games that haven't been tested yet. Wizard is a game that has tested to run very well, meaning it does almost everything you're supposed to do on a PC.
I've been running it for about 6 months, I think. It runs great. I have had one weird thing that happens sometimes. But it's not enough of an annoyance to get me to stop playing. It seemed to be mostly a Mooshu thing. My cards would turn into letters and I'd see a weird black cloudy box instead of the names of the players. That would happen before a crash. But even weirder is this: I would log back in and be transported right back to the battle. My friends or my son would tell me that I never left the game! And that I was just standing there accumulating pips. Not a glitch I can protest about! :-D I'd pick up where I left off. Now I have a 2nd PC, but I still end up playing on my mac!
As for the fee, I paid a one-time fee and didn't see anything about a yearly renewal. Here is what the site says about it: During your support period, you will be able to download all versions released and you will be able to obtain technical support. Upon the expiration of that time period, all customers will still be able to download the most current version of the software that they received while under the support agreement, forever (or at least as long as we can practically make that possible).