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i want a hybred pet!

Apr 20, 2010
for the past weeks i have hatched with saytr and wraith and all i get is stormzillas and its boring to have just stormzillas. and theres barely a chance of getting hybreds probably only like 10%. i have used over one hundred thousand gold just to hatch to get hybreds and then when i hatch i get my same pet. :( :(
plz make it easier to get hybreds all people want hybreds but when they hatch they just sometimes get there same pet they hatched with. :( :(

Apr 21, 2010
Seems like you should be Hatching directly with the Hybrids you want, rather than trying to create them from two L48 pets.

Mar 08, 2009
hybrids are rare so it is common to not get one in some tries but I disagree on making hybrids more easy to get because it takes the awesomeness ( not a real word i know ) out of a hybrid. Just keep trying and selling the celestia items that you don't want will really help you get a lot of money fast.

Dec 26, 2009
bcbdla wrote:
Seems like you should be Hatching directly with the Hybrids you want, rather than trying to create them from two L48 pets.

thats what i did. you must have a pet that is almost as good as a hybrid and hatch with the hybrid to get it. thats how i got reaper, grimzilla, and wanderer.

Oct 03, 2010
All i want to now is what pet you could make with a difrent pet? Like if you could make freaky pets like a dragon / pig. Well somthing like that.