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[suggestion] /speed\

Jan 01, 2010
you join a fight, hoping your the one who attacks first, but it ends up not being so.

why is this so?
Ive searched all over and i cant seem to find the reason as to why, sometimes you do, sometimes you don't, attack first.

i propose that we have "speed" as i call it (ref. to Pokemon) where (like critical , damage, resistance, block, and accuracy) items (rings, robes, athems, amulets, boots, caps, ext.) give you a percent of speed (low being 1% high being 20%) this would then add to what would be a 45% chance of you being the first to attack.

so whats all this mean/do?
what it means is that if you have a full 20% towards your speed, the standard 45% would go up to 65% so you then have a much higher chance of going first, but your still not 100% guaranteeing to go first because that would then cause a huge issue in that people would get threw the game much to easily.


the effects on PvP would potentially be like this: each team has a total 30%, each player (lets say each has a full 20%) contributes 1/4, 1/3, 1/2, or 1 part of that based on the # of players ( in 1v1 you contribute your full 20% [ if you have that much]; if 2v2 you contribute 1/2 of your 20% {10%} and so on) then the team with the highest total calculated percent will (most likely but not guaranteed) go first.

so basically its whoever has more gold/crowns gets to go first?

not necessarily, because this could just be a stat thats can be added to items currently available, AND also create new items. (also, isn't that how it is with everything?)

so how?
perhaps Diego would like to tell us a little something about "speed" and how it can help or hinder you in battle....