this might be pretty stupid of me posting this but i was wodering what that death gate at the end of the haunted cave is for. if any else is wondering tell me. i think it has to do you with one of the death school specific quests but i dont know.
well i have a lvl 50 balance and a lvl 29 death but so far i havent been in it and none of my friends have been there so they say
I'm a balance school I've been there quite a few times and I've also been to the fire school. Do the missions, get to those exciting missions have some fun.. Stop asking silly questions, about caves that you can't get to.... I've been playing for 6 weeks and I got there about 4 weeks ago
Progress through your assignments in Wizard City, and you'll discover the answer soon enough, young Wizard.
Professer Greyrose, Is the gate only for death? Because i am one of your students and i am lvl 49 and i never got a quest about the gate. I think its like the fire place in gloem tower cause only fire can go in there
Sincerley you student Ashley Frostflame Lvl 49 ice
Ok here's a message from a death student (ME). You can't go in there, which wants me wonder whats in there. I'm a legendary, done all death school quest, and still haven't gotten in there. I guess it can be a level 68, 78, or 88 death school quest. You'll never know until KingsIsle releases its actual purpose. ________________________________________________________ ~Mark Rubythief~ Legendary Pyromancer Legendary Necromancer Legendary Diviner Grandmaster Theurgist Novice Conjurer
In front of that gate is for death wizards only to summon a death creature for a school spell quest. But of course, anybody can stand there but nothing will come out if not on death quest or any other school.
Progress through your assignments in Wizard City, and you'll discover the answer soon enough, young Wizard.
sorry greyrose i will prove you wrong... He is talking about the bars ( like deans cell in labyrinth ) by stormdrain tower theres a death quest where you walk there a wraith apears then your done.
The gate is for a death spell quest for death wizards. My brother is a death and for the quest he saw a wraith in front of the gate. I guess its just a little symbol that death. But I thought about it a little more and I guess it just might be connected to a secret cave or the dark cave.