Complete the Frog King quests in Colossus Blvd with the guard's daughter that let you in.I can't think of her name but she is the only female npc in the zone
Yes, as DeliaFangz has said, you must complete the quest Mindy Pixiecrown gives you to kill the Barons on Colossus Blvd and then speak to the Gobbler King again.
You have to do all the STORYLINE missions in Triton avenue, Firecat alley, Cyclops lane, and Collosus boulevard to earn the Master diplomat badge, I have it already, (actually, i got it a LONG time ago) so i know.
but doesn't being a diplomat mean being a wizard of storm magic how does doing colossus buolevard? This makes no sense to me.
I believe that you just had a misunderstanding. A storm wizard is a diviner, not a diplomat. The reason you are called a diplomat is because you persuaded the Gobbler King to stop destroying all of Colossus Boulevard.
but doesn't being a diplomat mean being a wizard of storm magic how does doing colossus boulevard? This makes no sense to me. I think you mean a diviner
Life School: Theurgist Balance School: Sorcerer Myth School: Conjurer Fire School: Pyromancer Death School: Necromancer Ice School: Thaumaturge Storm School: Diviner So diplomat is not storm wizards it means you have completed all the quests in Triton Avenue, Firecat Alley, Cyclops Lane and, Col Boulevard.