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Did Not Collect Please Try Again

Aug 21, 2009
I really don't know why I have to do so much work on killing the bad guys to collect something and then it says Did Not Collect Please Try Again. Ugh! It takes time of my progress to level up.

I really think KI should change that.

Mar 28, 2010
BryanOmar wrote:
I really don't know why I have to do so much work on killing the bad guys to collect something and then it says Did Not Collect Please Try Again. Ugh! It takes time of my progress to level up.

I really think KI should change that.

I can say with complete honesty that I agree. I know we are supposed to be challenged, and blah blah blah, but I get really upset when it takes me an hour to get 3 things from a mob that only gives me the tiniest fraction of exp.

~Allison Dawnblood, Grandmaster Diviner

Jul 04, 2009
I have made many statements about this, most of which did not get posted. I even had a 3-page topic in the Test Realm thread (now hidden) discussing this very matter.

My free time is limited and very precious to me. Because I work second shift, my free time is also in odd hours where there are less others to help out with. Having to spend anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes for a 3-item collection.

With >85% of the quests in Celestia being made up of collecting items, the exceedingly high rate of collecting failures becomes unexceptable. It has done nothing more than make the game frustrating and extemely tedious.

"Did Not Collect ..." became Did Not Renew.

Jun 06, 2009
BryanOmar wrote:
I really don't know why I have to do so much work on killing the bad guys to collect something and then it says Did Not Collect Please Try Again. Ugh! It takes time of my progress to level up.

I really think KI should change that.

Dude you are so right. So, I am facing sharks in the Stellarium. I need 6 shark tooths and from defeating 10 sharks I got 2 ya 2 teeth! UGH I had to keep going to DS to get my health and mana back! Ya its a big problem. :? :?

Jul 21, 2010
i feel your pain bryan. sometimes i pull my hair out cuz its soo stressfull jk but it is annoying