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WIZARD 101-Scythia: the 8th world

May 15, 2009
May 10, 2010
Well, if KI or Falmea does not respond, I will. This so far, sounds very interesting. It is well thought out and has an interesting story line and plot. I am not sure what we are going to be able to transmute as having an alchemy as another school, but it sounds promising.

I hope you will post more, so that if they dont follow your story, at least we can.

Dec 21, 2008
Is it storm? if it is, then no. im already sick of packing my deck with storm prisms in celestia. =/

If not, then awesome idea :)

Jun 13, 2009
Just like grizzlehiem and the other worlds, there won't be any schools and there is no particular emphasis on one school or another.

The Scythian have their own unique form of magic which is Alchemy, however, they have stolen the Secrets of Valkyries Rune Magic and created a whole new powerful form of magic. This is what Morganthe is after. The Scythian are warrior-like people who use alchemy to aide then in their war against the Valkyries.

It is a work-in-progress, am thinking as i go along. I want to experiment with various mythologies. However, it requires a long of research and creative thinking but no use going that far if it's not gonna get considered. SO far I've been reading Egyptian mythologies, Norms Mythology, Chinese and Japanese mythology even Philippino mythologies. The rank 9 spells will come from several of these mythologies and so will the gear and equipment.

Am no artist or story writier but the goal is to give them a solid outline to work from, kinda liek a blue print. I'll include pictures from the internet of what i think the creatures etc could look like and they can draw inspiration from those.

i have some pretty cool rank 9 spells and 0f course balance get to summon a cool Creature fro m Ancient Egyptian myth. I know balance feel like they get less consideration so I gave them a cool spell.

Um, still in research phase so. am working on more. Of course i will use the stats from level 58 gear asa bench mark. I think this world will take the critical to a whole new level. base on the form of magic used in Scythia, the critical system will be a big deal lol even though i still am trying to understand it.

That's all for now. Until I get a green light from Pro Falmea :) i know I have to post my idea publicly in order for them to consider it (for legal reasons of course)

Jun 13, 2009
The world of Scythia has come to the Spiral

Scythia: the world of wealth, mystery and intrigue


The tide of time wove a tale of wealth, mystery and intrigue. The indomitable world of Scythia, with its vast riches and illustrious edifices is like a siren’s call to the lost seaman. Home of Alchemists and a clandestine group, called the Sentinels of the Order of Renegade Ironsteppers. Scythia, rode the waves of history to arrive at the pinnacle of Magical ingenuity.

Mastery of Alchemy, a form of magic that requires intense control over ones subconscious and understanding and mastery of the inner self, was at the forefront of the Scythian culture. News of their prowess in changing metal into gold and transmuting any normal object into an elixir or source of magical energy spread throughout the spiral and soon rumors abound that they have transmuted the Elixir of Life.

Odin, god of the Valkyries considered the Scythians to be treacherous and ordered his army to crush them. But the Scythians met his army with a deadly force. The war raged on with neither side giving in. At last Herfjotter, High Priestess and Supreme Commander of the Valkyrian army prevailed upon Odin to end the war because she had lost her beloved sister Henglen in the ensuing battle.

Odin was enraged and in his hour of defeat, cast a spell that enshrouded Scythia in a mist of transparence; banishing them to the Realm of Nothingness. This was his way of punishing the Scythians for their stand against the Valkyries. To the other worlds of the spiral, Scythia had suddenly vanished; never to be seen again!

Two centuries have passed and Odin’s magic has weakened. Scythia is slowly retuning to the physical realm. Their return from the abyss will be a great triumph but dark forces lay in wait. Morganthe, the Umbra Queen of the Shadow-wed have an unquenchable thirst for power and she has set her sights on Scythia. She wishes to obtain the Elixir of Life to satisfy her own destructive ends.

She have renewed the Valkyries thirst for revenge and pitted them against Scythia. Freyr, Queen of the Valkyries is all too eager to settle that old score and so agreed to Morganthe’s request but little does she know that Morganthe has sinister plans. With Herfjotter at the Helm, she gathered her army and marched towards Vulcan, the Capital of Scythia.

Sarsi, queen of Scythia readily gathered the Scythian Iron Defense Force and the Sentinels of the Order of Renegade Ironsteppers to form a Joint Military force called the Alchemist Path of Doom. They mounted a valiant and fierce defense but things took a turn for the worst when several members of the Joint forces began acting strange.

Freyr has taught Morganthe the arts of runic magic and together, they have bewitched some of the high ranking members of the Alchemists Path of Doom to cripple the resistance of Queen Sarsi. The Alchemist resistance slowly began to crumble as Morganthe’s dark power began to take control. A cabal of alchemist has secretly aided Morganthe and Freyr in their plight.

Viceroy Narcissus, Supreme Commander of Scythia, under the powerful spell of the dark queen, has stolen the Hessian Crucible from the Altar of Vulcan. This object must remain on the altar at all times to assist in the conjuration of Alchemy. Without the Hessian Crucible, the Scythians cannot perform Alchemy and are practically defenseless.

The tide of the battle quickly shifted in favor of the invading forces and the Scythians are suddenly at the mercies of the Valkyries. Chaos is the order of the day and it seems all is lost. Morganthe has once again unleashed her venom upon an unsuspecting people but a vestige of hope exists. Queen Sarsi has enclosed herself in the Shrine of Enlightenment, and will make one last attempt to save her beloved Scythia.

Using her telepathic abilities, she sent out a distress call for help, hoping that she will reach someone from another world on the spiral before the last of the resistance is overwhelmed by the invading forces. Scythia was unprepared for this new and formidable foe: Morganthe. She was the one who have blighted the lights of the Celestians and stole their magic. Now, a similar fate awaits Scythia.

************************************************** **********************

Danger looms over the worlds of the Spiral: the harbinger of death and destruction. Events are already set in motion as Morganthe and her Shadow-wed mercenaries continue their quest for Spiral domination. The Spiral Geographic Society has procured an ancient relic- the Rhinestone of Aganon- from an ancient order called the Runic Scythes in order to help them find the evil shadow-wed queen.

Using the Rhinestone of Aganon along with Professor Balestrom’s scyring tool, they began scyring for Morganthe, hoping to pick up traces of her evil aura. While scyring for her they stumbled upon a message from a fair maiden, who claimed her world was invaded by a powerful witch of dark magic. Help is needed at once or their world will be no more!

(Side note: the Rhinestone of Aganon is rumored to be a ring created by Odin so that he could tract the location of The High Priestess Herfjotter who was the leader of his army of Valkyries. Together with the scyring tool, this is a powerful locator)

This “powerful witch of dark magic” could only be Morganthe, the Umbra Queen of the Shadow-wed. All wizards of Ravenwood are called upon to lend their power in this dark and trying time. We must hurry to Scythia and rescue them from the clutches of darkness!


You received an urgent message to see professor Balestrom in his classroom in Ravenwood. When you reached Balestrom, the professor has disturbing news for you. He informed you that while scyring for Morganthe, the SGS somehow managed to intercept a message from a damsel in distress!

Professor Balestrom played the message for you. There was a bit of static but you could clearly make out the voice of a lady. She said she is Queen Sarsi from the world of Scythia and their world has been invaded by a powerful witch of dark magic. Their final line of defense is crumbling and if help does not arrive soon, all will be lost!

After listening to the message, the professor had even more dire news. The spiral door to Scythian cannot be found! It would appear that some dark magic is keeping the door hidden. Balestrom went on to say that he strongly believes that this "powerful witch of dark magic" is none other than Morganthe, the Umbra Queen of the Shadow-web!

A feeling of foreboding washed over you, as you know this means Scythia and all the worlds of the spiral are in grave danger. The Professor continued by saying that we must find a way to get to Scythia and find out who is really behind this invasion. He thinks for a moment, then exclaimed,” I’ve got it!"

"The Ring of Mudarra is a ring of legend and can locate anything that is guarded by magic! This is just what we need to locate the spiral door to Scythia!” He said excitedly.

Professor Balestrom gave you a letter to take to Shalek the Wise in Krokotopia, stating that he might have knowledge of the ring's whereabouts. You hurried to Shalek and gave him the professor's letter. After reading the letter, Shalek told you that the ring was in the possession of the Order of the Fang, but following their decision to cast the great sleep, they had broken the ring into two and gave each half to two different travelers who were in Krokotopia at the time.

The travelers did not know that the ring has incredible value and power and the Order thought that was the best way to keep it out of evil hands. One of the travelers was a lady from Dragonspyre, Sannah Blazespear, a purveyor of crystals and other artifacts from that world, and the other was a fellow by the name of Muzrith DoomSunder from Celestia.

Shalek seemed quite shaken buy the disturbing news and seemed to have aged even more in the past few seconds that he read Balestrom's letter. Before you leave, he told you to speak with Belia WindGazer and Alaric MoonSunder, since those two might have an idea of who the travelers were and how to find them.

You first traveled to Dragonspyre to speak with Belia in the Grand Chasm. The vault keeper seemed surprised that you knew of Sannah BlazeSpear. She informed you that BlazeSpear was caught pilfering crystals from the Crystal Grove and was locked up in Vault 1932 just before Dragonspyre was plunged into chaos with the summoning of the Dragon Titan. She was not certain if Sannah had survived the attack but gave you a key to the vault nonetheless.

Upon opening vault 1932, two shadow weavers appeared in the room.

"It's you again, meddlesome wizard! We shall teach you the error of your ways!" they shirked in unison. They then called forth the spirit of Sannah BlazeSpear to attack you. A vicious battle ensued but you managed to defeat Sannah and the Shadow weavers. As her spirit faded away, Sannah told you to look under the tile in the left corner of the vault and you'll find that which you seek.

Feb 15, 2010
A few things I have to say about the spells:

1: Ice hits harder then Death. Why?
2: In the long run, Fire hits way harder then Storm. Maybe lower the DoT amount?
3: Myth is second weakest. Aren't they about average attack strength?
4: What type of Storm Trap?
5: I don't understand why Balance is given the weakest spell, isn't Ice supposed to have that to even out for their health?
6: Smoking Mirror is pretty much a stun without the stun shields...
7: Retribution is basically half of a Beguile...
8: The iron school seems interesting, we don't really have Earth magic, this could be sort of like that.
9: Life could just learn Ingun instead of Seraphim.

Now that I've insulted just about every spell you made (sorry), here's where this shines:

1: Very creative in the names you chose.
2: You really must have thought of how this would flow together, kudos.
3: MooShu's still incorporated, I see? I don't blame you, it was a great world.
4: Did they really need to track her whereabouts? She was in Celestia all of that time.
5: The Alchemy seems interesting, I'd love to learn more about it.
6: I didn't do Grizzleheim yet, did the story already say they were in league?
7: So it's another world of old Norse lore? Nice.
8: By the time we finally catch up with Morganthe, she'll probably know every spell in the game. What school would we call that? Is she trying to out-do Ambrose for some reason?
9: Why is Balestrom telling us where to go now? First the Celesia prequests, now this...

That's my input, hope I didn't offend anyone.

Jun 13, 2009
U tried to lift the tile Sannah pointed to and to ur surprise it moved easily. Underneath it, you saw a gleaming object which appeared to be the ring shard that Sannah possessed.

Leaving Dragonspyre, you hurried to Alaric MoonSunder in Stormriven, Celestia. Alaric informed you that Muzrith was possessed by the Demon Surmos Endesoul, a sea devil. Surmos was sealed away during the Morganthine invasion and unfortunately, Muzrith with him. However, he can be summoned using the pylon.

You dashed to the pylon and used it to summon Surmos Endesoul. A vile creature appeared, having the form of a merman, except the top half looked like a Cyclops with huge pointed ears and the bottom half looked like a fish, and there are two giant wings protruding from its back. Steam came out of its nostrils as it bellowed, "who dared summon me to this accursed realm?”

He noticed you standing there, wand at the ready and exclaimed, "summoned by a mere child! I shall assist your demise for such insolence!"

The Sea Devil had amazing strength and power. The battle lasted for a long time but you eventually came out the victor. The monster shed its horrible form to reveal the spirit of Muzrith DoomSunder. Muzrith thanked you for freeing his soul and then disappeared, leaving behind his piece of the ring shard.

Pleased with your accomplishments, you returned to Professor Balestrom in Ravenwood. The Professor explained to you that in order to repair the ring, you needed a source of fire in its purest from, as this will also maintain the magical properties of the ring. He told you that the fire forge in the cave beside the Golem Tower is perfect for this kind of thing.

You made your way to the cave and placed the ring shards in the pure flames. The shards fused with the fire and emitted a blinding light, causing you to shield your eyes from its radiance. When the light faded away, you saw a brand new shiny gold ring in the centre of the forge. It glowed with magical energy. You took the ring back to professor Balestrom.

The professor placed the ring on the Scyring device along with the Rhinestone of Aganon. The scyring needle spun for a few times then suddenly stopped. Professor Balestrom beamed and informed you in his usual banter, that the spiral door to Scythia is now visible and should appear on your spiral map.

He warned you that no one knows what to expect in Scythia since it is an un-chartered world, so you must proceed with extreme caution. Off to the world tree you went and just as Professor Balestrom said, the spiral door to Scythia was visible to you.

You used the spiral door and found yourself standing in front of a big Golden bridge. Beyond the bridge you could see a great wall with the tops of buildings peeking out. You started across the bridge and it is at this point that you noticed the sentry standing guard.

In that instant, The Sentry noticed you as well and bellowed in a thunderous voice, “I am Módgud, guardian to the gates of Scythia! None shall pass!!” This Sentry standing before you had the appearance of a woman. She was dressed in a white robe with a bejeweled hood, golden Cuirass breastplate, rerebrace, vambrace and golden gauntlets with a vine-like pattern.

She wielded a golden scythe with vine-like patterns made out of precious stones. She engaged you in battle and proved more formidable than Surmos. She summoned water and fire elementals (3500 health each) to her aide and you had a tough time defeating them. When the battle was over she said, “You fought with honor wizard and your victory was well deserved. I encountered a witch with a sinister aura and she holds no counsel with honor. She has attacked our beloved city and I sensed that you are here to challenge her. I here by grant you leave to enter Scythia.”

The city of Chaos

You entered the City of Chaos in a part of Scythia called Arcadia. There were a lot of official looking buildings which alluded to the vast wealth that Scythia possessed. It appeared as if you were in some kind of town square. You glanced about and saw an official looking gentleman, dressed in warriors garb with an odd looking cane, standing at the foot of some cobblestone steps leading up to a cathedral.

You walked over to the gentleman to make enquiries but he immediately pulled on the top of the cane and unsheathed it to reveal a sword.

“Halt stranger or I will strike you down where you stand!” he shouted in a menacing voice.

You raised your hands in a gesture of surrender and explained to the gentleman the purpose of your visit to Scythia. Hearing the reason for your presence in Scythia, the gentleman adopted a more welcoming disposition, apologized for his actions and introduced himself, as Sundolf Bruinfeld, The grand Duke and also an emissary of the Queen of Scythia.

“I was charged with the task of identifying any outsider and retired them from our world,” he said. He went on to explain the developing situation in Scythia and that they needed all the help they could get. He sent you to speak with Margrave, Edzard Vindros, in the Coliseum, to see what aide you might give him.

The Coliseum

Edzard Vindros informed you that foul beats have taken over the training grounds and are threatening to enter Arcadia. He asked you to defeat five Lancors, and see if this will force them to leave the training grounds. Upon entering the Training Grounds, you saw what appeared to be lions with horns protruding from the sides of the head. They had three tails and the tip of each tail looked like the head of a spear.

You defeated the Lancors and went back to Margrave, Edzard Vindros. He told you that the Lancors were a vile set of creatures indigenous to Scythia and he just wanted to test your skills on the battle field. He told you that the only way to get rid of the pride of Lancors was to defeat their leader, Ari.

You headed back to the Training Grounds and found Ari’s lair. You engaged the beast in battle and soon defeated it. Edzard, upon your return, told you that he just received word that some of his men stationed in the Battle Fortress, were being held captive by an elite company of Valkyrian soldiers.

When you got to the battle fortress, you saw a wizened old man who informed you that it was a dungeon with five levels and elite soldiers from the Valkyrian invaders were stationed on each floor. The first two levels had two well- armed Valkyrie centurions, the third and forth levels had three Valkyrie centurions and a commandant. The final level had the captain of the group and two elite guards. The Scythians were secured in an inner room on the top level.

You battled your way to the top of the fortress and freed the captives. They informed you that they were betrayed by their Leader, Ragnar Anon, who had relieved them of their weapons and had let the Valkyries into the fortress. They explained that the fortress was a designated communication base, relaying information back to central command in Vulcan. They asked you to report to the Margrave, that the Fortress was under their command again.

The Margrave listened to your report of what had transpired and he seemed quite alarmed that Ragnar would act in such a manner. Margrave Vindros surmised that something was amiss and told you to go back to the City of Chaos and report to The Grand Duke, Sundolf what you had learned.

Sundolf gasped in disbelief when you told him of Ragnar’s actions. He told you that Ragnar served under his command years ago when he was the captain of his regiment. He went on to say that Ragnar was very patriotic and would not betray his homeland. He asked you to investigate the reason behind Ragnar’s strange behavior and sent you to speak with Landgravine, Toyah Frey, in Alchemist Helm.

Alchemist Helm

The Landgravine was a statuesque woman of amazing beauty with a long main of red hair. She spoke as you approached her, “I sensed your strength wizard and it gladdened my heart that you are here to help. I was put in charge of things here but something or someone has corrupted my men.” Could you please defeat five of them and bring back their swords so that I might be attuned to what corrupted them?”

You fought five Scythian soldiers and defeated them in battle. You took their swords and retuned to the Landgravine. She took the swords and slowly passed her fingers over each blade. She closed her eyes and muttered some strange words in an unknown tongue. The blades of the swords then became black.

The landgravine told you that the soldiers were bewitched but the form of magic used was unknown to her. She knew of a potion that could lift the curse off the soldiers. However, you have to gather the ingredients for her. The potion required 10 blessed thistles, 6 belladonnas and it should be brew with purified water.

You went and collected the blessed thistles and then she told you that the Belladonna’s only appeared when the Trejists, which are forest spirits were defeated. If you defeat a few of those then the Belladonnas should appear.

You went to the Path of Shades, which is in the forested area of Alchemist Helm and engaged the Trejists in battle. You had to defeat quite a few before you got enough belladonnas to take back to Toyah Frey. She told you that she feared you would not return because the Trejists were a tough lot.

She then told you to fetch some water from the nearby wishing well and that would complete the ingredients for her potion. After you got the water, she brewed the potion and gave it to you. You engaged the soldiers in battle once again and forced them to drink the potion. They immediately regained control of themselves and reported that they had spotted the Alchemist Iskhu Lengren when the suddenly lost consciousness and that’s all they could remember.

May 21, 2009
Nico Uzmaki, I love the idea of Scythia. It seems epic & whimsical at the same time. First things first did you make up all of the words that sound Sandanavian or are those real words? Secondly is Alchemy a new secondary school, like the Astral schools, or some thing that only the Scythians use? Next are the Scythians like the creatures from Grizzlehiem or humans? Next are the Valkyries from Dragonspyre? Finally is this going to look & feel like Grizzlehiem or something totally different? Those are all of my questions about Scythia, please answer my questions & ty for reading.

Jun 13, 2009
christopher62597 wrote:
Nico Uzmaki, I love the idea of Scythia. It seems epic & whimsical at the same time. First things first did you make up all of the words that sound Sandanavian or are those real words? Secondly is Alchemy a new secondary school, like the Astral schools, or some thing that only the Scythians use? Next are the Scythians like the creatures from Grizzlehiem or humans? Next are the Valkyries from Dragonspyre? Finally is this going to look & feel like Grizzlehiem or something totally different? Those are all of my questions about Scythia, please answer my questions & ty for reading.

Firstly, thank you for reading my post. Now to answer your questions:

No I did not make up the names. They are real Mythical names. you can type any of these names into Google or Bing and you'll get a Wikipedia info on them sometimes there are pictures.

No Alchemy is not a secondary school, it is just the form of magic that is learned in Celestia. However, they are some spells that you would learn from doing quests. But there won't be school and trainers. We can only hold so much spell cards in our decks. Unless we are going to totally swap out or old spells for new ones, I don't see the point in any more new schools.

The Valkyries are not from Dragonspyre. They are from their own world and are the servants of Odin. They perform Rune magic (this is actually not made up-Odin did rune magic he was taught by some witch, i forgot her name).

The Scythians are not creatures, they are human beings. They are not dead either and their fight with Freyr is actually happening and that's why they called for help. So it's not like they were already invaded and we just going there to learn what happened and talk to ghosts. NO. They are very much alive and fighting to save their world from Freyr and Morganthe.

Not sure why we even in celestia when the celestians have been long dead and their city sunken.

it will not look like Grizzleheim. At least that's not what I had in mind. Have you seen the movie Gladiator? Well, I was things something like that. if you noticed I have a Colosseum. The idead is that it's an actual Colosseum where they practice for combat.

Also the floating dome. It is to be literally floating and you'd get on a sigil on the ground to teleport you there. if you notice in the game, the houses are actually floating. the dragons pyre castle is the best example. That's kinda what I had in mind there so while on the floating dome you would be able to see the other areas.

The Disappearing land would actually not be there all the time lol. kinda like that secret shop in Krokotopia. It would appear certain time of day etc. However if you have a quest there then it would automatically be available to you.

The monsters would be totally different. But that's for another time.

i hope I answered all your questions to your satisfaction.

Jun 13, 2009

The Langravine told you that Iskhu Lengren was an evil alchemist who had defected from Scythia long before the invasion. She asked you to find him and defeat him. You Iskhu and defeated him. But with his last breath, the said,” I had hoped to exact my revenge on Scythia for choosing Narcissus as viceroy over me. But alas, it resulted in my own undoing. The Umbra Queen shall avenge me…!”

You went back to the Landgravine and told her what Ishku’s last words. She said she here of this Morganthe In the stories of old. She said it is no surprise that the invasion has been successful. She told you that this must be communicated to the Grand Duke, Sundolf Bruinfeld, at once.

Sundolf Bruinfeld took out a strange looking device and said something in that strange language that the Landgravine used. He put the device back in to his pocket, then said, “ I have relayed all that you just told me to central command. Thank you for your help young wizard but I’m afraid the situation has gotten worst. We must consult the oracle and so that she might guide us in this dark time.”

He told you that the Oracle’s lair is a dangerous place and Scythians no not venture there unless the need is great. He also told you that the Oracle can be very difficult and you might have to duel her before she decide to help you. He sent you to speak with Vidar Dunebender in the Field of Tides.

The Oracle’s Lair

“Only death awaits those who trespass here! Be gone stranger!” shouted as gruff voice as you entered the Field of Tides. You surmised that this must be Vidar Dunebender. You told him that you were sent on a mission by Sundolf Bruinfeld to see the Oracle. Vidar laughed in a croaky voice.

“You, see the Oracle? Surely you jest. No one has attempted such a fete in decades,” he said in an ominous voice. In told you that in order to get to the oracle’s lair you have to complete a series of tests and duel some tough monsters. Even after all this you will have to defeat her in a duel to demonstrate your strength before you can have an audience with her.

Vidar said that he needed to see if you are up to the task ahead so he asked you to defeat some monsters in the area; four corrupted Leprechauns, four hippogriffs and four field savages. You battled the monsters one after the other and defeated them all. You returned to Vidar who said, you took too long, he could have done it in a shorter time.

He sent you on another quest in a nearby cave. He told you to enter the cave and you will find your next challenge. You hurried to the cave and when you entered, you saw an open book upon a pedestal. On either side of the room were ancient tablets, two on the right and one on the left. The tablets on the right had an image of the sun carved into one and an image of the stars carved into the other. The one on the left had an image of the moon carved into it.

You walked up to the book on the pedestal and the words on the page read, “You did not bring them but at night they came, and though they were not stolen, in the morning they were lost…” Pondering this for a moment, you carefully picked up the star tablet and two plates of stones opened in the side of the cave to reveal another room.

You ventured furthered into the cave and there was a wraithlike creature standing before you. ‘A friend within a foe without. What is my weakness, can you figure it out?” Hissed the creature standing before you. You hesitated a moment then engaged the creature in a duel. You did not attack but instead allowed the creature to hit you. After two rounds the duel suddenly ended and the creature changed into a lovely Scythian Girl.

“You have solved my riddle outlander; many rushed so blindly into battle and did not consider the meaning behind my words. But you have shown great cunning. You next challenge awaits. Good luck to you.” She said in a soft voice. You hurried into the next part of the cave.

This time there was a Scythian Gladiators, a Valkyrie and a field savage. As you approached they all said in unison, “A foe, a friend, a foe. Who wears the disguise? Defeat your foes and save your friend!” They immediately engaged you in battle. During the duel, for some reason you chose not to attack the field savage even though it attacked you.

After you defeated the Scythian Gladiator and the Valkyrie, the duel ended and the field savage changed into a Scythian Soldier. He told you that he had been turned into a field challenge because he had failed that part of the test a long time ago and he thank you for freeing him. He then told you to enter the next part of the cave.

In this part of the cave there were three holes dug out in the centre of the cave. You save a book pedestal in front of the dug-out holes and three tablets top the right with a bear, a tree and the sun carved into the tablets. You read the words on the page, “the sun is hot, the bear needs shade, the tree a welcomed refuge?”

Thinking for a moment you took the sun tablet and placed in the first space, then you placed the bear tablet in the second space and finally, you placed the tree Tablet in the last space. The floor seemed to tremble and then a creature appeared. It had the appearance of a human, except it had big pointed ears; blue skin, a snake tail and two huge bones were protruding out of either side.

“You awake me from my century-old slumber. Come, let us dance the dance of death!” the creature howled. Never have you seen such power. The creature almost overwhelmed you but you summoned your strength and finally defeated it. As it slowly melted to the ground, it said, “you have shown great cunning and might; the Golden apple is your reward…” You took the Golden Apple and returned to Vidar Dunebender. A half smile teased the corners of his lips when he saw the Golden Apple. He told you that you needed the Golden Sickle as well to present to the Oracle as an offering. However it was in the possession of the dreadful Harpy Queen, Nora Horftin in the enchanted forest. He told you to speak with Astrid Vandottir, a harpy that has sided with the Scythians.

The Enchanted Forest

You met Astrid Vandottir in the enchanted forest and informed her that Vidar sent you. Astrid told you not to be weary of her because she was not like the other harpies. She told you that she believed that the harpies can live in peace with the Scythians but their leader Nora Horftin want to take over Scythia and have joined forces with the invaders. She told you that she wanted no part in it and that is why she was willing to help you to rid Scythia of these invaders.

She told you that each harpy is connected to the other so you should defeat a few on them to lessen their strength. She said about 8 should do the trick. You then went and defeated eight harpies and returned to Astrid Vandottir. Astrid told you that Nora does not usually reside in this dimension and must be summoned. She said you needed to get 3 talons for some harpies to help with the summoning.

You went and defeated three harpies. Next Astrid asked you to get the axe from 5 evil dwarves. The dwarves were a tough lot and it took a while to get the five axes. Astrid told you that the axes were not for the summoning ritual but was needed to be used as a means of drawing out the leader of the dwarves, Burlok, who had a magic girdle. The girdle was needed for the summoning. She sent you in an area of the forest and told you to throw the axes.

When you threw the axes Burlok came busting through the forest. ‘a vile creat’re be ye, dat causeth my men to suff’r so!” he shouted as he charged at you. Burlok put up a tough fight, calling two henchmen to his aide. You managed to defeat him and take his magic girdle.

You took the girdle back to Astrid. She then asked you to gather some enchanted gems lying about in the forest; ten would do nicely. You went about the forest gathering the gems and took them back to Astrid. Astrid then spread out the gems in a circular formation with the magic girdle in the center and the talons on top of the girdle. She them made a loud screeching noise, danced around the items and flopped her huge wings.

She then plucked a feather from her own wings and placed it in the circle. An ill wind began to blow, rustling the leaves and trees, casing a mild tornado. You then head an ear shattering scream in the distance. Astrid told you that foul noise from coming from Nora Horftin and you should go and confront her.

You hurried to the area which the sound had came from and there you saw Nora Horftin and three subordinates. In her right hand you could see that she was wielding the golden sickle.

“You desire my Golden Sickle, wizard? Well, you’ll have to wrench it from my cold, dead hands, if you dare!” Nora shouted. They all engaged you in battle at once. The golden Sickle seemed to boost her attacks and you had a hard time staying alive. Eventually you defeated the harpy queen and her minions and took the Golden Sickle.

Astrid was relieved to see you when you returned. She told you that many Scythians had perished at the hands of Nora Horftin but she knew that one day some one would defeat her. She told you that she would have loved to be the one to have done it but Harpies could not attack the queen. Astrid then told you that you should go back and speak with Vidar Dunebender in the Field of Tides.

When you returned to Vidar, he told you that there was one more thing that you needed before you can venture further and that was the Elixir of Knowledge. He told you that you must venture into the disappearing land and confront the Sorcerer Marrdin. He went on to explain that it was called the disappearing land because the Sorcerer used powerful spells and incantations to mask its location from the physical realm. Therefore you must procure the Elixir of transparency.

Aug 21, 2009
kissingcats999 wrote:
Is it storm? if it is, then no. im already sick of packing my deck with storm prisms in celestia. =/

If not, then awesome idea :)

funny, I play storm and what I liked about celestia was that I was able to take out half my storm prisms as they weren't needed half as much as before celestia.... if you think storm prisms are a problem in Celestia I'd recommend you make a different character as the need for prisms in Celestia just isn't there

May 21, 2009
NicoUzumaki wrote:
christopher62597 wrote:
Nico Uzmaki, I love the idea of Scythia. It seems epic & whimsical at the same time. First things first did you make up all of the words that sound Sandanavian or are those real words? Secondly is Alchemy a new secondary school, like the Astral schools, or some thing that only the Scythians use? Next are the Scythians like the creatures from Grizzlehiem or humans? Next are the Valkyries from Dragonspyre? Finally is this going to look & feel like Grizzlehiem or something totally different? Those are all of my questions about Scythia, please answer my questions & ty for reading.

Firstly, thank you for reading my post. Now to answer your questions:

No I did not make up the names. They are real Mythical names. you can type any of these names into Google or Bing and you'll get a Wikipedia info on them sometimes there are pictures.

No Alchemy is not a secondary school, it is just the form of magic that is learned in Celestia. However, they are some spells that you would learn from doing quests. But there won't be school and trainers. We can only hold so much spell cards in our decks. Unless we are going to totally swap out or old spells for new ones, I don't see the point in any more new schools.

The Valkyries are not from Dragonspyre. They are from their own world and are the servants of Odin. They perform Rune magic (this is actually not made up-Odin did rune magic he was taught by some witch, i forgot her name).

The Scythians are not creatures, they are human beings. They are not dead either and their fight with Freyr is actually happening and that's why they called for help. So it's not like they were already invaded and we just going there to learn what happened and talk to ghosts. NO. They are very much alive and fighting to save their world from Freyr and Morganthe.

Not sure why we even in celestia when the celestians have been long dead and their city sunken.

it will not look like Grizzleheim. At least that's not what I had in mind. Have you seen the movie Gladiator? Well, I was things something like that. if you noticed I have a Colosseum. The idead is that it's an actual Colosseum where they practice for combat.

Also the floating dome. It is to be literally floating and you'd get on a sigil on the ground to teleport you there. if you notice in the game, the houses are actually floating. the dragons pyre castle is the best example. That's kinda what I had in mind there so while on the floating dome you would be able to see the other areas.

The Disappearing land would actually not be there all the time lol. kinda like that secret shop in Krokotopia. It would appear certain time of day etc. However if you have a quest there then it would automatically be available to you.

The monsters would be totally different. But that's for another time.

i hope I answered all your questions to your satisfaction.

Thank you, you did answer my questions. But one thing, why did you mention the floating dome & the disappearing land I didn't mention those things so I want to know what they are. Thnx, & thank you for reading.

Jul 29, 2009
Scythia seems like an awesome world. Clearly you've worked hard on thinking of these ideas. The spells are ok, the effects and damage needs to be worked on but the spell names are cool. I'll see where this whole Scythia idea goes.

Jun 30, 2009
Its a nice idea, but here are a few pointers:
1) You are drawing from to many mythologies. Pick one, and use it.
2)You know a lot of names, but Hephasteus was a DUDE.
3) Taking the exact names and creatures isn't very "wizard101-y".
Wizard101 takes a name, and twists it to fit the story or appearnce of a character:
Cleopatra: Krokopatra
Tutenhaman: Krokenhaman
4) Life already has a seriph, and you will tick off a TON of life wizards by giving us another heal spell.
5) Ampithere was a WATER-dragon who would probably fit better in life, due to his bright colors and values.
6) Myth's spell is a little underpowered.
7) Alchemy changes ONE metal (lead) into ONE element (gold).
It does not changes any metals into magical substances.
8) How would changing lead into gold help you fight enemies?
9)There should be another school to balance it out.

Jun 13, 2009
Chris, I'm not sure why I mentioned the floating dome ad the disappearing land. The only thing I can think of right now is that at the time when I was responding to your question, something you said or asked must have given me sufficient reason to mention them. However, at this present moment, I do not recall what is.

Da1Meeper, firstly, let me thank you for reading my post. There are so many posts out there to be read, people often miss the important ones.

With regards to your comments, here is my response:

When one writes a story, the storyline, characters, events etc., is totally up to the writer. The writer may choose to draw inspiration from actual events and people or he may choose to create the story from his sole imagination. To that end, whatever I choose to do with characters or events is entirely up to me. I can make them stay to their truth form as is represented in fact or I can change it to suit my own plot.

As for choosing one mythology; which writer just draws inspiration from one source? Have you ever read a book where the author only acknowledges ONE person? Have you ever done any research and ONLY use ONE source? That's not what they teach in college. You suggestion to choose only one mythology would only be valid if my plot is confounded by the varying mythologies which is not the case here.

Secondly, Hephaestus was a dude but this is my story. I could make him the Witch of Endor if I wanted to. Besides Goddess of the Valkyries is way better than is original title of God of blacksmiths and artisans, patron of all craftsmen. The other alternative would be Hera but she was the wife of ZEUS, I could not put her beneath Odin.

As for your comment that taking the names of real creatures and places is not true to the wizard 101 concept; did you know that Nidavellir in Grizzleheim is the name of an actual place in Norse mythology? Did you know that Ravenscar is a village in North Yorkshire, England? I'm sure we all know about Scotland Yard in Marleybone and the real Scotland Yard is located in Westminster, London. Should I go on? Did you know that the Altar of Kings in Krokotopia is, according to an Eighteenth-century report on Architecture in Mexico, a Metropolitan Cathedral created by Jerónimo de Balbás (1718-1737)?

As for the spells, I have already given my explanation about them. Wizard 101 faculty is at liberty to do with this information as they please, nothing is carved in stone. They may interpret the information to fit the already developing story; it is somewhat of a guidepost.

It was Albert Einstein who said, "When I examine myself and my methods of thought, I come to the conclusion that the gift of fantasy has meant more to me than any talent for abstract, positive thinking." I hope this answers your question about alchemy. The eighteenth century poet Alexander Pope said, "The proper study of mankind is man.” If these two eminent gentlemen are correct, the study of magic and alchemy should be at the forefront of the investigations of all educated persons."

Alchemists look within for the answers to everything. They use that part of their subconscious to under stand matter since that very matter is apart of us anyways, and therein lies the answer. The magic of alchemy is not the physical transmutation of an object into a substance but achieving enlightenment and self-mastery through the intense control of thoughts will and mind along with the essence of higher forces to bring about a desired goal.

Once again there are no schools. Balance is weak against all schools so will be the alchemists.

Hope I covered everything. :)

Jul 29, 2009
There's one problem with your areas in Scythia. Hall of Champions is already an area in Krokotopia.

Jun 13, 2009
He told you that in order to make the Elixir of transparency, you need to gather 5 Dust orchids, 6 tree sap from Prickle trees in the enchanted forest and 8 alloys and 4 Scythian snapwhip plants from Alchemist helm. You went about gathering the reagents for the Elixir of Transparency and when you had everything you took them back to Vidar who brew the potion for you.

He told you that the portion only works if you drink it. Then you will be able to see through the Sorcerer’s power and locate the Disappearing land. You drank the potion with had a terribly bitter task and then Vidar sent you to the end of a path in the Field of Tides. There you saw two huge iron gates. You opened the gate and went to the other side.

The Disappearing Land

On the other side of the gate you saw a lake and at the far side of the lake stood a castle. There was a boat sitting idle by the lake so you used it to cross the lake. When you got to the other side, you saw a long flight of steps leading up to the castle. You went up the winding steps and entered the castle. You were in the courtyard are and at once you were confronted by two Alchemist Renegades. They proved to be a lot tougher than your previous opponents and you had a most difficult time defeating them.

After besting the renegades you ventured further in the castle. The interior was labyrinthine with various puzzles and traps set up to halt your progress but you prevailed and pressed onwards. At one point you were confronted by three Alchemist Doomsayers who summoned various elementals to do their bidding. If it wasn’t for the astral powers that you acquired in Celestia you would have been undone.

After seven levels of puzzles and battles you finally reached the Sorcerer Marrdin. He had is back turned to you but you could see that he has long white hair and he wore a robe of royal purple with gold lining. There were some intricate patterns woven on the robe. He picked up a fancy looking staff with a purple orb at the top. The orb was held in place by a vine like design that is a part of the staff.

He turned around to face you and you were surprised at how young he looked. His faced looked troubled for a bit and then he spoke.

“A wizard from Wizard City? How fitting that I should be your opponent. I have once been a student in Ravenwood but I have long surpassed all my teachers and now I am at the pinnacle of my magical profession. You cannot hope to defeat me! Prepare yourself for I will show no mercy!” Marrdin said as he made some fast movements with is staff. He muttered an incantation and summoned Nora Horftin!

The undead Nora had more strength and power than when you had first confronted her. After you defeated Nora, Marrdin muttered another incantation and waved his wand. This time he summoned Módgud. Módgud apologized to you but said she was bound by the Sorcerer’s magic and had no choice in the matter. She proved to be a formidable opponent but having fought her before you were able to best her in the duel.

Marrdin applauded your dueling skills and said Ambrose had taught you well but will you be able to defeat an opponent that can see through your every move? He summoned the Seer, Ursula Farsight to the battlefield. Ursula already knew that she would be summoned and told Marrdin that he should consider her debt to him repaid after this duel.

She then turned to you and said, “I have mastered the art of divination my young foe and nothing they taught you in Ravenwood will prepare you for my attacks. En garde! “The battle lasted for a long time, the Seer Ursula saw through all of your attacks and the duel was in her favor but she was not attuned to the astral magic of the Moon school and that’s how you managed to defeat her.

Marrdin was outraged that you had triumphed in all the battles and so he engaged you in a duel himself.

“I have underestimated you wizard. A grievous mistake I shall correct at once! I will hold a requiem for your soul. This will be over quickly.”

The Sorcerer Marrdin used various forms of magic, most of which were unknown to you. He was your toughest opponent yet. He summoned two Alchemist Elders, who were just as adept as he was. You struggled to stay alive but once again you would not be undone. You summoned all your power and defeated them.

When it was all over, Marrdin said you had earned the right to the Elixir of Knowledge and he quickly handed it over to you. He told you that your trials were just beginning but you should have courage in your abilities and you will certainly be triumphant. You went back to Vidar Dunebender in the Field of Tides.

Vidar told you that the oracle resided in the Land of the Dead and you must get the key to the Death gate before you can venture there. He told you that the keys to the Land of the dead were guarded by Cerberus, a three-headed monster. You must first defeat Cerberus and get the key in order to go to the land of the dead. You went and confronted the monster. You eventually defeated it and got the keys.

You went back to Vidar Dunebender who gave you the golden items and the Elixir of knowledge. He told you that you will need to present these to the oracle as an offering when you get to her. You then went to the death gate and entered the land of the dead.

The land of the dead

The land of the dead was a vast wasteland with all manner of foul beasts and creatures. The ground was blackened ash, appearing as if a great fire had burned everything, even the very earth and all that was left is ash. There were tiny cracks in the ground with lava peeping out.

You saw the spirit of Nora Hoftin standing by a burnt out tree stump. You cautiously approached her fearing that you may have to fight her again. However, she instantly put you at ease by saying that death had opened her eyes to the error of her ways and she wish to make amends for all the transgressions she had brought upon Scythia.

She said that she was infected by greed and a lust for power and that had blinded her to the evil intentions of the invaders. She had often visited the land of the dead when she was alive and will help you to get to the Oracle. The Oracle’s lair was in the Elysian Plain, a most treacherous part of the land of the dead and unfortunately you must defeat the vilest of creatures before you can get to her.

Nora told you that you first need to get six magic cloths from some Shadow Elves. The Elves proved to be a vile set of creatures. Though they had similar features to that of a human, they had long, pointed ears, red eyes, yellow skin with a single green gem in the middle of the forehead and they wore spiked bracelets on either arm, a spiked necklace, a sleeveless vest adorned with two iron plates, a weird looking warriors belt that looked like crows wings and tattered trousers adorned with iron plates on either side. They wielded two sabers in each hand.
You set about procuring the magic cloth from the Shadow Elves but they would not relinquish them easily. However, after battling several of them, you got enough to take back to Nora. Nora then asked you to deaf 8 Death Scavengers and take the tip of their tails back to her. To your horror, the Death Scavengers were more formidable than Cerberus. These creatures had the appearance of a **** hound, except they had a huge horn protruding from the tip of their snouts, two eyes of either side of their heads, smoke flared from their nostrils and their tail was a serpent. You battled the Death Scavengers and cut off their tails and returned to Nora.

Nora then told you that you need to summon the Gorgons and by defeating them, you will open a portal that will lead you to the Elysian Plain where the oracle was. However before you could summon the Gorgons, you need powerful life energy. In order to do this you must defeat some Death Lichens and collect their life force (green orb). The Death Lichens are liches fused with undead Scythian alchemists. The result is the Death lichen which is far more superior in power and intelligence.

The Death Lichens were levitating abominations with a green orb in the centre of their stomachs. They wore a wraith-like robe with a high collar. The robe was open in a V-shape from the neck down to the waist and in their hand they carried a serpent staff with a green orb in the serpents open mouth. You battled ten Death Lichens and took the green orbs.

When you returned to Nora she said some magic words and the life engery from the Death Lichens left the green orbs and entered your body, icreasing your powers. She told you to go by the river Styx and throw the magic cloths and Scavenger tails in it. She recited an incantation and told you to say those exact words right after you throw the items in the river.

Nora told you that because of her transgressions she was not able to follow you to the Elysian plain, however, you should find a portal guard there and he will help you on your journey from there.

You went to the River Styx and did as Nora had instructed. The blacken water from the river spurted up in the air and created a sort of platform or dueling circle. On it appeared the three gorgons; Masashta, Sisyphus, and Erodesh. They were female creatures with scaly green colored skin, hair of poisonous snakes and sharp fangs and claws. The three Gorgons put up a viscious fight. They each used different forms of magic and each complimented the other with synchronized attacks.

Jun 13, 2009
After you defeated the three Gorgons, a portal opened up into the river and you crossed into the Elysian Plain. You saw the portal guard and he said he was expecting you. He told you that there was a barrier erected at the entrance to the Oracle’s lair. The only way to break the barrier was to defeat seven creatures that possessed seven black diamonds. With each diamond that you collect from the creatures, a portion of the barrier will break until you have gotten the seventh and final one. Then you may face the oracle.

The first creature was a Skeletal Warlord. He was very strong but you defeated him and take his black diamond; a portion of the barrier gave way. The second creature was a Molten Fury; an elemental fused with an undead. The Molten Fury was strong but you defeated it and took its black diamond. You moved on to the third creature which was a Vampire Warrior. You defeated the Vampire Warrior and took its black diamond.

The next creature was Thoralf, the leader of the pack of Death Scavengers and the one after that was Yula Runepyre, the former Harpy Queen. The other Creature was a Dark Assassin and the final creature was Kroktopus, a big dragon that looked like a cross between a crocodile and a fish. You defeated them all and recovered the seven diamonds. The barrier to the oracle's lair was completed broken and you entered to face her.

To your surprise the Oracle was a Scythian beauty with orange blonde hair and pale skin. She wore a green cloak over a yellow dress. There were two small yellow orbs circling her. She also had a sword to complete the ensemble.

You presented the golden items and the Elixir of Knowledge to the oracle. She smiled and drew her sword, “For years I have longed for the taste of battle. I challenge you to a duel wizard. Defeat me and I will tell you all that you wish to know. But if I win, you shall never leave this place!”

You battled the Oracle for what seemed like an eternity but you finally prevailed. She told you her name was Niina Seertanner, a princess of Scythia. Niina told you that the invaders have already advanced on Vulcan and if you do not hurry, they will take control of the capital. The Supreme commander of the Scythian forces, Narcissus, has been bewitched. He has stolen the Hessian Crucible from the Altar of Vulcan and has hidden it in The Tomb of Oracus, in Thule.

The Hessian Crucible helps the Scythians to wield the magic of alchemy and must remain on the Altar of Vulcan at all times to assist in the Conjuration of Alchemy. Now that the Hessian Crucible no longer resides in Altar of Vulcan, the Scythians cannot use their magic and have to rely solely on swordsmanship.

They need the power of Alchemy back in order to fight magic with magic. But now the Hessian Crucible is guarded by the Fenris Wolf, Dbogat Bonesealer. You must venture into Thule, which is the underwater regions of Scythia and recover the Hessian Crucible.

There is also another matter afoot. The Leader of the Sentinels of the order of Renegade Ironsteppers, Ludvik Bloodsmith, had secretly performed Realm Scourge which is a forbidden ritual. This ritual allows you to summon creatures from any dimension to carry out your wishes.

Ludvik had summoned some deathly sea creatures to prevent anyone from retrieving the Hessian crucible from Thule. Your journey will be a perilous one but you will prevail. You must go to inform Sundolf Bruinfeld of Ludvik’s treachery and then proceed to Thule at once.

You returned to the City of Chaos and told Sundolf what the Oracle told you. He said he would Alert Central Command at once and that you should hasten to Thule before the situation escalates further.


In Thule you met Caspian Seaholt, a merman. He had seaweed-like hair and slightly bluish skin and he had a silver trident in one hand.

“Caspian, the sackless pag bids ye welcome to Thule. Mi mistress Niian, has a ripe ole higg, I shall not wish to skell up her by failin you” He said. Caspian explained that the Oracle had asked him to assist you on your quest in Thule. The creatures in Thule have been cursed and are being controlled by the sea monster Helblindi. Also the unknown monsters summoned by Realm Scourge are ready to charge anyone who ventures into these waters.

A cabal of Alchemists has fortified themselves in the sunken throne room and is prolonging the ritual in order to keep the monsters in Thule. You have to defeat them first before attempting to recover the Hessian Crucible. He gave you the Seal of Solomon and told you to use it to seal send the monsters back to their realm.

The Grove of Fetters

You went to the Grove of fetters and set about defeating the monsters, sealing them away with the Seal of Solomon. You first encountered the Befouled Salamanders and sealed them away. Next you fought the Wyverns and then the Sea Monks. Then you came upon the Enraged Triton and the Dark Sirens. These two set of monsters were the most difficult but you defeated them and send them back to their realm.

When you returned to Caspian, he told you that more creatures have been summoned! The only thing that you could do at this point is venture into the Sunken Throne room and force the Alchemists to end the Ritual of Realm Scourge. You located the Sunken Throne room but realized that there was some sort of magical barrier sealing it off from persons on the outside.

Caspian seemed perplexed by this and told you that he knew nothing about breaking the seal on magical barriers. But perhaps his friend, Pelacus WaveBender, in Hoddmímis Holt can help you break the barrier. You went to Hoddmímis Holt to speak with Pelacus.

Hoddmímis Holt
Pelacus was also a merman but he was older than Caspian and sported a beard. He told you that his grand niece, Marriam, had gone to look at some corals but had not returned for over five hours now. He suspected that she may have run into the Shefods, which were a troublesome bunch of Sea horses in this part of Thule. He needed to find out if his grand niece was alright before he can help you.

He surmised that maybe one of them had clues as to her whereabouts so you should battled them and see what information you could find. You fought with the Shefods until finally one of them dropped a silver hairbrush. When you showed it to Pelacus he confirmed that the hairbrush was indeed his grand niece’s.

Pelacus became even more disturbed by his grand niece prolonged disappearance. He told you that the Ironfang Turtles are a bit higher up on the ladder in the gang than the Shefods and might have some idea of who where she was taken. After dueling about six of the Ironfang Turtles, they finally told you that the leader of their gang, Makko Quickfist, had ordered the young sea maiden to be captured and taken to his hideout.

You told Pelacus of this and he was much aggrieved. Makko Quickfist was a very disagreeable fellow and have been terrorizing Hoddmímis Holt for a long time. Pelacus told you to defeat Makko Quickfist, rescue Marriam and put and end to Quickfist and his miscreant indulgences.

Makko had two Ironfang Brute Turtles guarding him. Makko was a skilled fighter and his subordinates were no less but you bested then and returned with Marriam to Pelacus. Pelacus was happy to be reunited with his grand niece and offered to help you with the barrier.

He told you that you needed the sword of a Barrier Demon from the Scylas Plain, which was a realm of infinite darkness. However, you’d first need to summon the Barrier Demon, defeat it and take its sword. He told you that the Landgravine, Toyah Frey was more adept at summoning so you should speak with her.

You went to the Landgravine in Alchemist Helm and she told you that you needed the blood of some Lancors. Off to the Coliseum you went and battled some Lancors. You returned the Landgravine, Toyah Frey and she told you to get five remiges from the harpies in the Enchanted Forest.

After you got the remiges from the harpies, Toyah then asked you to get the some maqui berries that were growing close by the river Styx. You went and picked ten berries and returned to the Landgravine. She told you that you were missing one ingredient for the summoning and that was the vial of light.

Toyah told you that the potions master, Svetlantis BrewMettle might have such a vial but she did not know where to find her these days. You should speak to the Grand Duke in the City of Chaos and see if he could help you find the potion master. You went into the City of Chaos and spoke to the Grand Duke.

Sundolf said he knew the potions master very well and had employed her services from time to time. He said that her house was located on Danube Street in the City of Chaos. You located the potions master house and told her that The Grand Duke had sent you.

When Svetlantis heard of your request for the Vial of light, she said that she could not just hand it over to you because the ingredients were very rare and she only had a few left. She said that she needed the bristle vines from some trejists for an Elixir she was making. She said if you were to procure those bristle vines then you could have the Vial of Light.

You went to the Path of Shades and battled ten trejists for the bristle vines. You took the vines back to the potions master who handed the Vial of light to you. You went back to Alchemist Helm and spoke with the Landgravine Toyah Frey. The Landgravine told you that you had all the things necessary for summoning the Barrier Demon from the Scylas Plain.

Apr 08, 2010
nice really well thought out, finally a world that mythology plays a big part in. hope KI reads the idea

Jun 13, 2009
slink1997 wrote:
nice really well thought out, finally a world that mythology plays a big part in. hope KI reads the idea

yeah I hope so too. Thank you for reading. There is so many "cool new" ideas out there that are not so cool lol. I don't think they have seem this yet so invite your friends to view this post and leave a comment. They more people visit a post the more likely it is that they'll become curious as to what is going on on that post :)

I haven't done anymore research yet cause i haven't gotten much feedback. So i think this pretty much goes in the trash :(

I'm sure they probably have the other worlds thought out and made already. They don't need our "cool ideas" lol but it was worth a try though. i had fun writing this plot

Sep 20, 2008
Jul 21, 2009
Whoa dude that was some post!! Good imagination but I think I know where you got some ideas: The Alchemyst!!!! Look it up people!! I know about Nicolas Flamel and that he can use alchemy!! I know your source. Also good name.... Scythia....very catchy..

Jun 13, 2009
nilrem100 wrote:
Whoa dude that was some post!! Good imagination but I think I know where you got some ideas: The Alchemyst!!!! Look it up people!! I know about Nicolas Flamel and that he can use alchemy!! I know your source. Also good name.... Scythia....very catchy..

Thank you for reading my post. But i didn't get any idea from "The Alchemist". What's that btw? As for Nicholas Flamel for all i know he was some french dude who sold manuscripts and fancys himself an alchemist. he gained some fame because he allegedly created the philosopher's stone, he wasn't magical for all i know. he was mentioned in harry potter when Dumbledore spoke of the philosopher's stone but he didn't appear in the movie (not that I recall) so I didn't get any ideas there.

Also you should know that in real life Alchemists are somewhat like scientist, they not really magicians but hey, the power of the mind is at work here!

I probably should look up this "Alchemyst' you talking about and see what's its about

Apr 11, 2010

i like this idea and i even like who you put as the new balance spells

Oct 30, 2010
I think that Alchemy could be a new magic. I'll lay out a list of spells

. Diamond Wall
.5 pips
Effect: Completely stops a spell from hurting you.
. Deconstruction
.3 pips
.Effect: Destroys a opponents shield.
.Rock Sword
.7 pips