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Waterfalls in Cave of Solitude too loud?

Sep 17, 2008
I was in Moo Sho battling and exploring, and I noticed something. In the part of the Cave of Solitude where there are waterfalls, the waterfalls are very loud. When I was battling, I could barely hear the battle music. Even out of battle the waterfalls were very loud. So staff and players, let me kindly ask you this:

Is it just me, or are the waterfalls in Cave of solitude too loud?

Jul 25, 2008
i noticed this too, it's very annoying...i had to turn my sound completely down in this area. it's also extremely hard and time consuming to even get from one side of the cave to the other without getting pulled into battle with high-level enemies. sometimes you will be trapped between one behind you and another coming at you across a narrow bridge, with nowhere else to go. by far one of the most frustrating areas of the game.

Sep 02, 2008
I have to agree also. I always shut off my volume when I am in the waterfall cave area. The noise is way too loud.

Yes it is quite difficult to hear an elemental sneaking up on you with those waterfalls being so loud.

We have asked Moolinda to cast a spell on these waterfalls so they're quieter. It'll take a bit for her to create the perfect spell, but she's working on it and they shouldn't be so loud after she's done.

Thank you for your input.

Sep 20, 2008
me to lol my mom said "What is that noise" i am like . A Waterfall. :D