I am just suggesting. I think after doing the begining of this game, I don't mean the newbie intro, I mean unicorn way and triton avenue about seventeen times, I would like a little viriaty. Sorry, i'm not that great at spelling some words. Like some different storyline possibly? I know that would be a major change, but something would be cool. Sorry if it sounds like attitude, it's not meant to...
That would require either an interactive interface (i.e. the wizard also speaks and is given multiple choices for answers; Runescape uses this to a limited degree) or a choice of actions (a tree/branch system). Either would probably require a total overhaul of the system.
There is some variety in the different schools, as each has its own quests for certain spells and/or at certain levels, and of course, each school has its own spells.
If you want to create your own variety, try setting limitations on what you can use, for example:
1) No Crowns items (except perhaps a mount to travel on).
2) No purchasing anything in the Bazaar or shops, and nothing from the shared bank by another wizard; your equipment has to be won in battle.
3) Only the Starter Deck can be used throughout the game (which isn't as hard as it sounds, provided you train the Reshuffle Spell at Mildred Farseer).