Based on the content of these threads, there is far too much whining going on by many of the higher level wizards. The point of having a family account is to enjoy the game together. My daughters wizard is a level 28 and mine is a level 48. I am not going to tell my child to not port to me because some self centered wizards feel they have the right to be exclusionary. I have many, many lower level friends in game because I am a nice guy, I like to help people and I farm bosses for gear. I sometimes wonder how the elitists will feel if I have every wizard on my friends list port to me in Dragonspyre or Celestia. Honestly, if this game is your biggest complaint, you have nothing to worry about.
Michael Raven Heart Master Necromancer Daddy Wizard Fed Up Parent
To Daddy wizard , from Momma wizard... my daughter plays the game with me too.
I have a couple of wizards that I play with , including a grand death. Yes , on occasion , my daughter's lower level life will port to me in DS. But , while she is there , I keep an eye on her , so she doesn't accidently jump into fights while crossing the street. The fact remains that in any world , on any level , most people consider it rude to jump in on a battle in progress. With street mobs some people are working on quest , and might need to finish the last round and want to move on , younger wizards jumping in looking for easy gold , pulling in more mobs and expecting that wizard to earn it for them , just isnt right in my book. I don't mind low level wizards visiting other worlds , and playing with friends who might be there , what I do mind is when they jump into battles they are not ready to handle and create more work for me. I pay to play the game too , and why should I work twice as hard because some wizards knows a higher level and was too lazy to work to get there and earn it.
When you do get to celestia , I hope you do invite all your friends that are lower level and they work through every quest with you. Maybe then you will get the idea of what solo players are dealing with in DS when they are working on quest. You have visited the test realm and celestia right? The new creatures love to dish out tempest among other high hitting spells , one round can kill a level 50 easily. So I hope you do enjoy all the screams for heal me and wonder why after months of playing you still haven't leveled to 60. If you want your friends there , then just keep them to yourself , I don't want to have to pick up their slack.
Momma Wizard Master of my Domain. Responsible Parent.
When Celestia goes live the elitists won't be whining about low levels because they'll be too busy asking for battle locks because of all the other grandmasters jumping in. :P
Teach your children gaming etiquette and I wouldn't mind letting them wander Dragonspyre at lesuire. Have them battle along side you, where you actively guide and instruct them, I have no problem.
I will take issue when they ruin my playing experience. These lowbies are the gaming equivalent of tantrum throwing kids in a restaraunt. Some parents will allow them to write their name on the walls with ketchup and others will take them outside. Ask yourself what kind of parent are you?
I also help a lot of low level players. Most of my time is spent assisting others, but I do not farm equipment for them. I do not encourage them to run rampant around Dragonspyre. I follow along with their quests, giving assistance and guidance as needed, so when they do arrive at Dragonspyre, they have the skills to NOT peg that poor guy who had the misfortune to sit at the next table in the back of the head with a half eaten burger.
When Celestia goes live the elitists won't be whining about low levels because they'll be too busy asking for battle locks because of all the other grandmasters jumping in. :P
Actually most people I have seen are happy for the help. I still ask to join and usually it is "Oh please do!" I have been tickled to have people join me with asking or not.
The monsters is Celestia are big and strong! I have been on the receiving end of Triton, Storm Lord and Hydra. One boss was AWFUL. If we wanded him, he fully healed. If we trapped him, he shielded. If I healed someone, he healed, then used Wraith me. We had to use only Centaur, Helephant and Wraith to kill him. I think we could use blades. It took four of us a LONG time to kill him. We would die use potion then return. That battle made us a TEAM. I made new friends out of it.
I suspect Celestia will go a long way to wards making people happy for help. I pity any poor unsuspecting lower level that goes there. They will be toast.
I have nothing against wizards who visit higher level area with a friend, either. But as with the others here, my issue is with those who will run in and join a fight without asking; and then immediately start screaming for heals and help while they pass round after round - expecting the higher level person to not only finish the duel for them, but also protect and heal them.
The even worse kind are those who join a duel; for instance by teleporting to a friend in the area they want to go to, and then immediately flee because they want to get back to the city. Leaving their friend and/or strangers in the duel with an extra mob or two on their hands, and not even offering a single apology in return.
As with so many other things in life, it's the few bad apples that ruins it for everyone.
It is not so muc elitist, as it is a matter of people being tired of having to clean up after others.
I have nothing against wizards who visit higher level area with a friend, either. But as with the others here, my issue is with those who will run in and join a fight without asking; and then immediately start screaming for heals and help while they pass round after round - expecting the higher level person to not only finish the duel for them, but also protect and heal them.
The even worse kind are those who join a duel; for instance by teleporting to a friend in the area they want to go to, and then immediately flee because they want to get back to the city. Leaving their friend and/or strangers in the duel with an extra mob or two on their hands, and not even offering a single apology in return.
As with so many other things in life, it's the few bad apples that ruins it for everyone.
It is not so muc elitist, as it is a matter of people being tired of having to clean up after others.
this is why i will be happy when celestia cames out
in the test realm i made 8 new grand master friends and i get along great with all of them because unlike most people i do not whine and complain about having low health or bad defences becuase well.... i dont have bad defense or health its actually quite decent for a diviner
not to mention the fact i have many healing spells and shields at my command as well as reshuffle to reset them if needed more often they ASK for my help which of course i am more than happy to oblige because these monsters in celestia can and WILL destroy you many times unless your well prepared which means,
no jumping in on almost finished fights no attempting to solo in a new area and ask to join a fight before you do because you never know they might not need your help and you would cause them more trouble possibly costing them the match if you can heal them and they die
believe me these beasts are nothing to joke about they are quite deadly using high ranking spells to wipe you out
as for low level jumping in I myself do not usually have a problem with this as they are curious, but this curiosity will cost them their life int he battle as these monsters, especially storm ones will tempest and judgement the lower levels into the ground it teaches them... eventually.... not to port in like that especially if they are in celestia because it definitely means trouble not just for them but for the ones already inside the fight
but there is those bad apples which are insistent on being rude and obnoxious recently i got quite irritated with another player who was WAY too low a level and was hopping into random battles and getting many people angry at him this was because we were facing astral magic soldiers and these guys are TOUGH and pulled in another so i told him he needs to leave bewcause he was only causing trouble which of course led to him yelling at me and insulting me by going around the filter which in turn caused the other people to yell at him and he kept on and on so i reported him and then he reported me back for " false reporting hahaha"
so back on topic yea i dont mind lower levels coming if i ask them to help guide them and teach them a few things about strategy and such but it really yanks my chain when lower levels are popping in and drawing in more high level monsters then sit there moaning for healing and shields expecting us to baby them and give them free gear
when this happens i do the simplest thing i will flee drink a potion then port back using my mark and stand outside the circle while the rude lower level got wasted and he was cussing at me around the filter for it and back to topic again so... there ya go