as the name says what is the point of jumping i mean we can't jump on anything so what's the point they should either make it so we can't jump at all or we can jump on top of things
Question:Hot keys- game play What was the space bar (Jump) intended for? we never seem to use it in game unless you just want to jump.
Answer: An old school axiom for mmos was that there always had to be a way to jump – even if you couldn’t jump to anywhere. Excluding it is just bad form, and we would have been answering the question “Why Can’t we Jump?” constantly. Jumping and other emotes allow players to express themselves.
If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Actually there is a use for jumping - in the Gobbler Drop pet training game. The pet can get the overhead treat quicker, especially if its falling slow. I have noticed that different pets jump differently, fast, slow, high, low, or take some time but hang like Michael Jordan. I didn't pay attention if the MJ thing allows the pet to stay up in the air; something to check out; the pet is a Krokitillian (sp?). I noticed two Krokitillian pets, one with pedigree over 50, another under 40; maybe one is bought and the other dropped. This is the one with pedigree over 50.
Also the space bar has a use in the Pet Derby, to either go over or under hurdles; successfully going over or under gives your pet morale, which in turn makes it go faster.
Actually being able to jump can be usefull. I like making the things in my house float, if you walk to the thing you're either blocked by it or you walk under it. If its low enough you can jump on it, you can evan make stairs out of books and things like that.
My friends and I use jump all the time cause it is fun to jump around when you have a mount that has some jumping height to it. When we are bored with the game we play with each other on our mounts and jump, jump, jump. Jump actually places a lot of enjoyment in the game for us.
Yeah, and with the new updates the jump animation will be changed to a ninja pig sort of jump and we can jump much higher. Btw I love the new updates with celestia! They're awesome!
yeah. jumping is kinda useless unless it has something to do with pets, but HEY! why not!?!? its fun and think about this: if we couldnt jump, we would want to. :-)
as the name says what is the point of jumping i mean we can't jump on anything so what's the point they should either make it so we can't jump at all or we can jump on top of things
since the changes you are actualy able tojump pretty darn high!! :-)
Lol! I love jumping! A couple days ago my friend was over at my house and we played wizard 101 but after a while I got boreed (bcuz she was only in unicornway and I already a magus in mooshu) and we went to my dorm, wen her friend ported ovr for no reason, and after a while we ran out of things to say and we just all started jumping! Lol it was so funny and wen we were done jumping we started turnin around in circles and then jumpin while turning! Haha it was so funny.